Chapter 21

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It was the day of the Yule Ball, class went normal and  in the evening all the students got ready for the ball. Harry wore a black and white tux and fancy shoes and trousers, his heartbeat was going a mile a minute. He looked himself in the mirror and liked his appearance and really wanted to know his mother's boyfriend who managed to get him pregnant, his eyes were fascinating he loved how the blended well together. Ron was looking at his best friend he said "Looking good mate, Snape's a lucky guy." Harry said "Thanks, I hope everything runs smoothly tonight." They both walked downstairs to the entrance where the dance was held. Harry was waiting patiently then Snape arrived, Harry looked at him he looked handsome he wasn't wearing all black, he had a lots of Slytherin greens for his tux and he was wearing white shirt and black tie and black pants. He walked up to Harry, "Good evening Harry, you look stunning." Harry said "I was about to say the exact same thing." They both went to the hall and danced, it was the contestant up first then everybody else joined in, they were very odd couples dancing, they were Victor Krum and Hermione Granger, Ron Wesley and Pansy Parkinson, Ginny Wesley and Blaise Zabini. Snape looked around seeing lots of Gryffindor dancing with Slytherin, he looked at Harry he said "That's weird to see lots of Slytherin and Gryffindor dancing." Harry replied "Yeah, I was quite shocked who Ron said his date was." Everyone danced together and there was a big party at then at the end of the night Harry and Snape stayed a wee while longer. Then when they were ready, Harry escorted Snape to his room he said "Thanks for a great evening I got to get ready for the next task tomorrow." Snape said "I hope you are ready, we sure practiced enough here is Gillyweed." Harry thanked him and asked "What happened if Gillyweed fails?" Snape said "Well you need a plan B." then Harry went of to bed and dreamed of his wonderful night.

In the morning everyone headed towards the lake and there was big stands in the middle of the lake. Ron was there with Harry for support he asked "You ready for this mate?" Harry replied "I need to be, Snape is underwater counting on me." Ron asked "Is that why Hermione's not here cheering you on?" Harry replied "Yeah you need to rescue the people you dance with last night, since Victor danced with Hermione she needs to be rescue by him." Ron finally understood. Harry took the Gillyweed and jumped in the lake and nothing happened, he didn't have any new fish part , he was worried so he went underwater and changed into his Creature form and swam quickly to rescue Snape and found out that his Creature could swim fast underwater. He just needed the head and feet so he swam quickly and found Creatures and he used a spell to get rid of the ropes around Snape and headed up towards the surface and was greeted by lots of people he was second last. Fleur went to Harry and asked "Could you rescue my Sister, she is still underwater?" Harry said "I won't be too long." Harry headed back underwater and rescued Fleur's sister, she thanked him very much. Albus asked "What did you use underwater?"

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