Chapter 5

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Harry woke up and went to his cousins to show them his new appearance. Petunia couldn't believe her eyes. She said "Wow Harry, you look amazing!" Harry replied "Thanks, I got a story to tell you." Harry told his story and showed the three letters. The Dursley's  listened to his story. Petunia was shocked. She said"That means we aren't blood related and your headmaster lied to our family." Vernon was very annoyed that Dumbledore lied about Harry's parents "Well boy since you aren't related maybe we can be friends and try to get along." Harry asked "You could be my god family? I could come visit sometimes." Vernon accepted that. Harry went on his way back home.

September went really fast. Harry headed towards the train and waited in a compartment until his friends arrived. Hermione was first to arrive she noticed Harry's appearance. She said "Wow Harry You look amazing! I guess the Dursley fed you this year." Harry said "Yeah they have, it's been amazing this year. I got my Creature and Money Inheritance, which has changed the way they treated me." Hermione was happy that he has been treated better and noticed his tail. She said "I love your tail it's adorable. I wonder what Sirius and Remus are going to think." Harry said "I didn't think of that, I might send them a letter and maybe they can understand why I have two eye colours.  I know my dad had hazel eyes but this new colour scarlet I haven't seen on anybody else. Lilly had Emerald eyes." Now Hermione noticed his eye colours. She said "Well they really suite your new appearance." Harry said "During class if I seem smarter please don't ask me why, it's a long story and frankly I am still getting my head used to my new knowledge." Hermione said "I promise, I might challenge you just to see that your knowledge is okay?" Harry replied "Certainly I would like a good challenge." Their other friend Ron appeared and said "Hey guys I was talking to my brothers and they say that Hogwarts are going to do a tournament this year." Harry said "Oh great! I bet you anything I am going be one of challengers." Ron said "Probably, if you are we will still be friends."

The train arrived at the station and all students made their way to the castle and went to their normal table. Draco saw Harry's new look and said "Hey Scar head, cool look." Harry replied "Thanks Malfoy, it's part of my Creature Inheritance." Dumbeldore said"Let the feast begin." 

Harry started to eat the feast. It was delicious. He was about to drink his pumpkin juice but his Creature stopped him. He wondered why, then he took a sniff and instantly could smell two ingredient that shouldn't be in his pumpkin juice. Hermione looked at him and asked "What's wrong with your pumpkin juice?" Harry said "Well there's two ingredients that shouldn't be in my pumpkin juice and I really don't want to drink it." Hermione smelled the pumpkin juice and couldn't smell anything wrong with it.  She replied "I don't smell anything wrong." Harry replied "Well I do and my nose has become more sensitive since my Creature Inheritance and my knowledge of potions has improved rapidly." Hermione said "Go over to Albus and complain." Harry walked right up to the head table. McGonagal could see the difference in Harry and Dumbeldore was most surprised. Snape didn't see that much change.
Harry said "Hey staff, my pumpkin juice has two foreign ingredients in it, could I please have a different drink?" Dumbeldore asked "Are you positive?" Harry replied "Very sure. I can smell them and if I drank this I would lose my new spells that I am going to learn this year." Dumbeldore was shocked at this statement he thought "How did the boy know, it's impossible." Snape took the cup and smelled the pumpkin juice. He could smell the two ingredients and he said "Headmaster I hate to say this but Potter is right." He looked at Potter and asked "How did you know?" Harry said "Well I turned fourteen and received my Money and Creature Inheritance." Dumbeldore was surprised at this statement and then he saw Harry's new eye colours. He asked "What happened to your emerald eyes?" Harry said "Well these are my true colour eyes. My emerald eyes were fake. Actually my emerald eyes appear when I turn into my Creature." Dumbeldore wasn't happy one bit at this statement. He said "I will make sure your juice will taste normal."
Harry went back to his seat and everyone carried on eating there meal.

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