Chapter 15

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Poppy opened the door and asked "Minerva and Severus, how can I help you?" Minerva was the first to speak and said "Well Snape here says he has feelings for Harry and it's started this year but not until recently, he wanted to pursue these feelings." Poppy was really shocked and surprised and said "Okay Severus sit on the bed and I will find out what's wrong with you."  Then poppy looked at Minerva and said "I will give him a check over come back in a while." Minerva respected her wishes and went back to her room. Poppy went over to Snape and started to examine him. Snape's Creature was wondering why this witch was pointing a wand at him, so Snape disappeared and reappeared as a cat. He asked the witch "What are you doing? And Who are you?" Poppy jumped when she saw a cat sitting where Snape was and asked "Who are you? I am Poppy the head nurse and I was checking  your human." The cat replied "I am Mr Sphinx pleased to meet you, may I ask why you are checking my human?" Poppy gulped and said "Well the other witch that bought you here said that your human form has feelings for a student here at this school."  The Sphinx was surprised and replied "Well that explains a lot, my human was acting strange around a student he must instantly tuned into  my voice and decided to act upon my feelings."   Poppy was concerned and replied "You do realise that your human never acts upon his feelings, this student he suddenly likes is quite a shock because your human and this student were enemy's and don't get along." The Sphinx said "Well it's only because the headmaster said not show emotions."Poppy relied what the Sphinx was saying and asked "It's because your human is a spy right?" The Sphinx nodded and suddenly disappeared and Snape returned, he looked a Poppy and asked "What just happened?" Poppy replied "You went into your Creature and we had a conversation." Snape was surprised and replied "Really! That's never happened before, he is usually very quite and doesn't show at all." Poppy replied "Well because you have feelings for a student you're supposed to pretend to hate but really care about him your Creature decided to give you push in the right direction."  Snape replied "He told you about my conversation with Dumbledore and how Dumbledore asked me not to show emotions." Poppy nodded and said "That's correct." Snape felt guilty and asked "What am I supposed to do?" Poppy said "Okay if you promise not to say another word to anyone why you have feelings for Harry I will tell you why." Snape agreed and said "Okay I trust you." Poppy started her story and said "Well it started after the first challenge when Harry arrived with his friend Hermione she said that Harry went temporarily deaf because of the egg so I examined him then suddenly his Creature appeared and yelled at me I calmly explained to him that his human couldn't hear then the Creature disappeared and I competed my examination and healed him." Snape asked "You seen Harry's Creature, What is it?" Poppy replied "This is the bit you need to keep to yourself Harry's Creature is a Jackal, this is why your Sphinx is going crazy."  Snape was shocked and couldn't speak and asked "What is so important about Harry's Creature being a Jackal?"

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