Chapter 37

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A/N I used information on harry potter fandom for this one chapter. this will be a longer chapter as well.

In the morning everyone had breakfast and went to class. Dudley was given a tour around the castle to understand where all the classes were. He was fascinated by all the different things he needed to study. He asked questions all the time but when it came to history class he asked the most. Professor Flitwick asked him a question "Who invented the wolf bane potion to help control werewolves?" Dudley said "That would be Damocles Belby, my classmate Marcus Belby's uncle I believe ." Professor Flitwick said, "Well done Dudley that's correct!" Dudley smiled, "Yeah it's weird. I know some fun facts but I don't understand why I know them." The professor asked, "Can I try you on a charm question?" Dudley replied, "Certainly. I read a couple books last night." Professor Flitwick asked,  "What is the levitation spell?" Dudley said, "Oh that's a first year question. That would be Wingardium Leviosa." Dudley did a swish and flick of his wand and a feather in front of him started to move in the air. Professor Flitwick said, "Well done Dudley! You're definitely not at first year level." Dudley said, "Another strange fact I know is: the Levitation Charm was invented in fifteen fourtyfour by warlock Jarleth Hobart who mistakenly believed that he had at last succeeded in doing what wizard kind had so far failed to do, and learnt to fly." Professor Flitwick,  "That is correct well done Dudley." Dudley smiled and said, "I don't know where I get this information but it's like I just know facts that I've never heard of before." Professor Flitwick asked, "Can I ask you something only a master of history would know?" Dudley gulped, "Yeah I will try to answer it." Professor Flitwick asked, "Our founder Rowena Ravenclaw was great at magic and Charms, my question is what was her biggest achievement?" Dudley had a long thought then replied,  " Rowena was capable of conjuring a non-corporeal Patronus, despite its immense difficulty. And I also know that to do a Patronus you need a happy memory." Professor Flitwick clapped, "Correct! You are defiantly in the right house. Can you cast a Patronus?" Dudley thought of his happiest memory and instead of saying the spell a blue Raven appeared on his shoulder. Professor Flitwick was gobsmacked, "Dudley... you do realise what you just did, right?" Dudley looked at his shoulder and said, "Where did he come from?" Professor Flitwick replied, "That's your Patronus." Dudley gulped, "Can we find Harry, Dumbledore and Minerva because they won't believe me." Professor Flitwick nodded and went to Dumbledore's office and said the password. Luckily Minerva and Albus were already there. Dumbledore said, "Professor Flitwick, what a lovely surprise!" Professor Flitwick said, "Thanks headmaster you've met Dudley, right?" Dumbledore nodded, "Yes, Minerva was just telling me that for some strange reason he got magic." Professor Flitwick said, "Yeah wonderful magic! His intelligence is outstanding - he's definitely a Ravenclaw, plus something he just did was beyond even a fifth year student." Dumbledore was shocked and asked, "What did he do?" Professor Flitwick replied, "Dudley show them." Then a moment later Dudley did a Patronus charm and the raven landed on his shoulder again. Minerva and Dumbledore couldn't believe their eyes. Minerva quickly fire-called Harry to come to the Headmaster's office straight away.

Harry arrived very quickly and was confused as to why three Professors and his God cousin were in the headmaster's room. He asked, "Why am here?" Professor Flitwick said, "Your God cousin is remarkable. Go ahead, Dudley, do your trick." Then in a minute Dudley's raven Patronus appeared and landed on his shoulder. Harry said, "Holy moley how's that possible? That's a non verbal Patronus it's extremely difficult and only Rowena Ravenclaw was known to do one." Dudley said, "Yeah that's right. What I want to know is why does he look familiar to me?" Then out of nowhere the sorting hat spoke and said, "That Patronus looks like Ayden or was it Archimedes." Dudley said, "I believe it's Ayden. That other name was my good friend Merlin's owl." The sorting hat laughed and asked, "Can someone do a ghost removal charm please." Professor Flitwick said, "Certainly that shouldn't be a problem." Professor Flitwick tried the spell but it didn't work. Dudley asked, "Why do that spell? I don't have a ghost inside me." The sorting hat was confused, "Weird, well, okay Dudley I will ask you a question: who were the knights of the round table?" Dudley said, "That's easy there are twelve: Sir Lancelot, Sir Gawain, Sir Geraint, Sir Percival, Sir Bors theo Younger, Sir Lamorak, Sir Kay, Sir Gareth, Sir Bedivere, Sir Gaheris, Sir Galahad and Sir Tristan." The sorting hat said, "Correct how do you know this?" Dudley said, "I really don't know it's just knowledge that happens when someone ask me a question." The sorting hat pondered and said, "Maybe you, Dudley, need to find a place where you love the most." Dudley said, "Okay." Then he looked at everyone.  Professor Flitwick said, "Good luck."

Harry Potter and the Inheritance of  Money and CreatureDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora