"Johnny is that you?" Zoro questioned out with a disbelieving look on his face. The man now known as Johnny had a look of pure gratitude at the sight of the green haired male. "BIG BROTHER ZORO! THANK GOODNESS!" Johnny cried, ignoring Luffy's questioning. 

"What are you doing here? And where is Yasaku?" Zoro questioned out before reeling back as Johnny burst out into tears. "Yasaku hasn't been feeling well lately so we were resting on the rocks over there when all of the sudden we were getting shot at by cannonballs!" Johnny cried out. "And you're a pirate now! And you have the Executioner as a crew mate!" Johnny shouted out, he was beginning to look pale. Luffy and Ussop bowed multiple times in apology but Johnny just screamed at them with shark teeth. 

"What do you mean the Executioner?" Nami questioned out with her arms crossed, she didn't like this man for he was spitting and made their precious first mate remember harsh times. 

"The Executioner is the name of a notorious criminal and killer, also that girl over there. She has a bounty of 60 million because apparently she killed everyone but the vice admiral on a navy warship. The World Government is looking for her because she's wanted and they want her to work for them," Johnny explained as he got his partner Yasaku on board. Everyone cast a glance towards the glum Anoki as she tapped Nathari against her shoulder in harsh motions. 

"Don't care. Anoki is MY  first mate and I wouldn't change it for the world. So stop talking about her painful past as if she isn't here," Luffy growled. He could remember when they were children when Anoki would get nerve pain from her missing eye and sometimes wake up screaming. It was difficult for them both but they had each other for comfort. Johnny gulped audibly before returning his gaze to Zoro again. 

"Big brother Zoro...do you think Yasaku is going to die?" Zoro's face paled at the thought but didn't provide Johnny an answer. 

"What has your diet consisted of the past weeks you've been resting on the rocks?" Anoki questioned out, not looking at the group directly but out of the corner of her eye. Johnny's forehead vein bulged as he got ready to shout at the sadistic woman. But Anoki interrupted him. 

"If you shout at me for trying to help perhaps I shall end your friends suffering the easiest way I know. Now tell me. What has your diet consisted of?" Anoki spoke harshly, narrowing her eye dangerously at the man who has been nothing but rude. 

"F-fish...that's all," he answered, looking at his friend again. 

"He's got a vitamin C deficiency because you boys haven't been eating fruits or vegetables. It's common among people who travel long distances across the sea. It's known as scurvy. Luffy, Ussop, be dears and get the barrels of limes for our dear guests," Anoki explained but hissed out the word guests, showing she wasn't happy with their presence on the Going Merry. Both boys rushed into the storage at the same time, getting stuck in the doorway before bursting through and racing back out. They slammed down the barrel and looked at Anoki for more instructions. 

"Squeeze some of the juice into his mouth. The vitamins provided from the limes should help him in no time," Anoki told them as Johnny raced up to the tall woman and grasped her free hand. 

"THANK YOU BIG SIS! YOU SAVED MY PARTNERS LIFE!" Anoki growled at him but lessened her glare at him. Yasaku could be heard choking before he jumped up to life, crying and cheering with Johnny as they did a kick line. 

"YOU CAN'T RECOVER THAT QUICK! LAY BACK DOWN!" Nami screamed with shark teeth, but was overall ignored as the two males stopped their cheering and posed in serious stances. 

"Allow us to introduce ourselves. My name is Johnny,"

"And my name is Yasaku,"

"We are known as a bounty hunter duo. We traveled around with big brother Zoro for a while," Johnny said as he pulled out some wanted posters. Yasaku choked before keeling over again which caused Ussop, Luffy, and Johnny to scream out in shock. 


"We need more crew members, having the right nutrients is crucial while we travel on the sea," Luffy droned, "YOSH! I've decided, we need a cook and a musician!" Everyone fell over at his words. 

"I was expecting something smart from you..." Ussop cried out with crocodile tears streaming down his face. Zoro only sighed while Nami yelled at him. Anoki chuckled as she re-stitched Yasaku's reopened wounds.  

"If you're looking for a cook there's a sea restaurant called the Baratie," Johnny said from his spot at the table.

"A SEA RESTURANT! ANOKI LET'S GO! LET'S GO!" Luffy shouted in joy. Anoki giggled at his happiness and nodded her head, giving a small grin towards the boy. Everyone blushed at her cute gesture, before smiling. 

"If the captain and first mate want to go then it's official," Zoro huffed with a smirk on his face. 

"Alright! Then we're headed north. North-east," Johnny cheered, his finger pointing out in the direction the restaurant was in

"I wonder what it looks like," Luffy pondered out loud, earning shrugs from everyone but Anoki who had a serious expression on her face. 

"A fish."

Everyone sweatdropped at their first mate. 

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