Chapter 19: The Princess and the Crown

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Juliana's POV

I sat atop the marble counter in my chamber bathroom and twiddled my thumbs awkwardly. Aspen was currently treating my black eye although I assured him that it didn't hurt, but he insisted. It hadn't been long since he kissed me, maybe a few minutes, but I had a feeling that it was something that we wouldn't discuss. It was as if it were a one time thing. Like something that he had did in that moment as a thank you for helping him burn Haven's things or maybe as a sign that he was really going to try and move on.

Still, it was nice to have that one moment of reassurance that he felt a little something for me. I held myself back from touching my mouth which felt like it was swollen from Aspen's lips. I smiled inwardly at the memory. His soft pink lips moved so gently against mine. It was like he knew that it was my first kiss because of the way he guided my lips through it.

My inward smile faded when I realized that that was probably the case because he'd kissed so many girls before me. There was a lot more than kissing going on my subconscious seemed to scream at me. I tried to ignore her and tell myself that it was none of my business, but in just a little over month, we'd be married. Whether I liked it or not, it was very much my business. But still, he was trying. What more could I ask of him?

"You plan on telling me how you got this?" Aspen said interrupting my thoughts. I was grateful for that. I really didn't like where they were headed.

I started to nervously swing my legs back and forth against the counter. I didn't want to lie to him, but what could telling him the truth do besides make him more worried than he already is?

"Um..." I looked across the bathroom trying to focus on something other than his penetrating stare. I knew he'd see right through me like he always did, but it was better than meeting his gaze and lying to him straight to his face. "I just fell down the stairs, it's no big deal." I told him and immediately wished I could take it back. He would know that I'm lying.

I found some courage inside myself and I looked at his face. He had his arms crossed over his chest causing his muscles to tighten and look larger. I looked away so he wouldn't see the blush creep across my face, but also because I didn't want to see the disappointment from him knowing that I was being dishonest.

"When you're ready to tell me how you actually got this, I'll listen." He said and it took all I had not to just give up and tell him everything that had happened since I got the first blackmail note. But the words of the girl who grabbed me this morning still echoed in my mind. The last thing I wanted to do was drag Aspen down with me.

"I'm sorry Aspen, I will tell you everything...eventually. I just need you to trust me."

We sat in silence for a bit and I began to feel awkward just sitting on the counter while he stood there and stared at me. I found myself wanting to know exactly what he was thinking about, what he felt when he looked at me like he was right now.

"Come here," he held his hand out and motioned for me to take it.

I eased off the counter and he led me into the sitting room of our chambers.

I gave him a puzzled look. "Why are we in here?"

"I'm going to teach you to dance." He said simply.

I smirked. "You didn't get your feel of that at the Christmas Ball?" I asked cautiously. The Christmas Ball is something we avoided talking about so me bringing it up now was supposed to be a red flag, but Aspen didn't seem to care.

"Eric's methods were a bit harsh. Besides, this is a simpler kind of dance." He informed me.

I smiled and nodded.

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