Chapter Eight {Revised}

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I take a deep breath before entering the dining hall to prepare myself for the hell I am about to endure from my mother. I walk in and see the queen, Aspen, and Taylor all sitting at the dining table.

My mother looks up with a very stern expression plastered on her face as I walk in. While it isn't much, it is still enough to intimidate me.

"Well good morning, Juliana. I'm glad you finally decided to join us," The queen says, the insincerity bleeding through her voice,

"I'm sorry, Mother. Getting ready took longer than expected," I say, stifling a blush.

I look up to see Taylor staring at me, disbelievingly.

"Really? That's your excuse in being late? You were getting ready?" she says, chuckling humorlessly before she proceeding to insult me further. "Come on, Julie. Look at what you're wearing. If you're going to lie, at least make it believable."

I ignore her comment.

"No matter, you're here now. We have a busy day today, so eat up," the queen informs me as she gestures to the freshly made breakfast.

"What do you mean? What are we doing?" I ask.

"Well, first you and Aspen have the First Impressions interview with the press, then you have dance lessons for the Christmas Ball, and finally, we're having dinner with Vivienne and Zachary this evening," The queen says.

I nearly choke on my food as she lays out my schedule for the day. First Impressions interview? I have absolutely no idea what I would say. I've only known Aspen for a day and I am expected to do an entire interview on him?

The dance lessons are another worry in themselves. We hold the Christmas Ball every year and I have never had to take dance lessons. Part of that might have something to do with the fact that I never danced anyway, but I had not intended to change that this year.

I will not even let my brain think about having to endure an entire evening of Aunt Vivienne. Quite like her daughter, I am almost certain that every word that escapes her lips is perfectly crafted to either insult or spite me.

I am too immersed in my own thoughts to even realize that the queen is calling my name.

"Huh?" I say stupidly.

The queen sighs. "I said that I know it's a lot to take in for one day, but these things need to get done so you're going to have to bear with me, Juliana. This day is very important. Especially the First Impressions interview. It will be taped live, so attempt not to embarrass me."

"As I'm prone to do," I mumble sarcastically under my breath. But before the queen can scold me, I quickly change the subject. "Has Lilac returned to her rooms from the hospital wing?"

"She should be returning to her rooms within the hour," the queen answers, taking a sip of her tea.

"What about a nursery for her baby? Since Samuel must return to Norland, we need to start setting one up."

"Juliana, I have it covered. You shouldn't be concerning yourself with Lilac. She's going to be fine," she says, and I am not sure if it is to reassure or pacify me.

"What about Father? Have you heard from him any?" I continue to press her on issues she hasn't been forthcoming to me on.

Also, I did miss my father dearly. No one has let me in on the type of business he is conducting in Norland, but I am sure it's quite serious. He is never usually gone this long. The queen seems calm about the situation, but that does nothing to quell my worry. She and the king have long drifted apart. It isn't hard to see that.

Royale (Book #1 Royale Series) {Under Revision}Where stories live. Discover now