Chapter 28: My Sister's Keeper

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Juliana's POV

"No, t-that can't be right." I said in disbelief. "Because if Haven is Samuel's sister then-"

"Then what?" Lilac asked confused. I had forgotten that she didn't know anything me and how I was involved in Samuel's life. And now technically, her life too. A life that she barely remembers.

"Um, nothing. I'm just glad it's starting to come back to you. I'll check in with you later." I stood up preparing to leave.

She nodded. "Oh and Juliana?"

I turned back around to her. "Next week when you come, do you think that maybe you could um, bring Hayden?" She twisted her fingers together nervously.

"Of course, if you think you are ready." I replied.

"So much time has been lost. I want him to know that I am his mother, even if for the time being, I can't remember he is my son."

I nodded in understanding. "I'll see you later,"

With that, I exited the room and prepared to leave the hospital with my driver waiting patiently outside for me. I gave him a quick nod of thanks before getting in the car. The driver shut the door and made his way to the front seat and wasted no time easing his way out of the parking lot.


I tapped my black pen against the palace's stupidly expensive stationary. I wasn't sure who I wanted to write to, I just needed to talk to someone or at the least, find a way to air out my feelings. It was the only way I think I could stop myself from going insane. I couldn't talk to Lilac because she didn't remember me; or my parents because I wouldn't know what to say to them. Why did you lie to me? Did you not trust me enough to stay with you despite knowing the truth about my real parents? Or something of the sort. I definitely couldn't talk to Aspen for obvious reasons. But God knows I wanted to. He'd know the exact pep talk to give me right now. He would give me some optimistic speech about life and how he would be there for me no matter what happened. That was exactly what I needed to hear right now.

Without thinking, I immediately started writing. Not thinking, just scribbling words on a page that I think have been in my head for a while, itching to find a home outside of my brain. I wasn't sure why I addressed it to who I did, but it seemed like a right fit in the moment.

Dear Samuel,

Look, I don't expect you to play the whole "big brother" role in my life. Too much time has been lost and I don't think our family (biological family, rather) will ever be "those people". You know, the people that you see on the default picture frames when you first buy them from the store. I guess I just need someone to understand me. And I feel like maybe you could. After all, you knew about as much about this mess as I did. Honestly, I am scared. It seems like every time I blink my eyes, when I open them, something else has changed. First a mother, then a brother, and now a sister. Do you know about her? Haven, I mean? I just-it's a lot to take in. I used to be so sure of myself, but now, I'm more confused than ever. I still have questions. Like why did Rosemary give me up? I still haven't talked to her and she's been working here for a couple of weeks now. It's a big palace. It's pretty easy to avoid someone if you try. I'm afraid of what she'll say or how she'll react.

On a lighter note, the nanny who takes care of Hayden, Elena, thinks that in just one more month, Hayden will be able to eat solid foods. I'm sure the wet nurse will be glad to hear that. I mean, she'll still have to breast feed, but it will be less on the clock time for her now. Also, some of Lilac's memories are starting to come back to her. Isn't that wonderful? It shouldn't be long now. She had a breakthrough today. It gave me hope that maybe things will start to get better for all of us.

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