Chapter 38: Strength in Resignation

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Juliana's POV

"Are you crazy?" I asked outraged. I directed my question to the woman, who seemed to be the ring leader of it all. The actual leader, Paulie, had been killed by his own lust, but this woman, she was ruthless. I knew she was evil enough to do whatever it took to have control over both Isola and Albion, but to kidnap a child?

It was official. I no longer had any idea who I was dealing with.

"You're a monster! How could you hurt an innocent child?" I rushed over to the bulky man that held a screaming Emmy. The man didn't object.

"Come here, it's okay. I've got you." I said to her. I knew she had no idea who I was, but I was hoping that my resemblance to Haven would quell her, just a little. And it did. She sniffled a bit, but immediately clung to me.

I stroked her curls and cupped my hand around her head, as if to protect her from these evil people who meant her harm. Once I had her wrapped protectively in my arms, I stepped away from the men.

The woman rolled her eyes.

"Believe me, Princess, I do not wish to harm the child," she held her hands up, seemingly in defense. "But," she held up her long, bony finger. "I will not hesitate to do so if that's what it takes. But trust me when I say that it will bring me no joy to see the young one hurt. You must realize there was going to be some collateral damage in this endeavor." She said without even an ounce of regret or sorrow.

I shook my head disgusted. "You're sick. She's not even two!" A tear rolled down my cheek, but I ignored it.

I only had to take one look at the child, and I was willing to make a deal with the Albionian rebels for one of my eggs. And I wasn't sure if it was the knowledge that she was the daughter of the man I loved, my soon-to-be stepdaughter, or if it was because she was my niece, my blood, that I felt this odd need to protect her. And I would. I may have been weak, but I would find the strength, just as I did with Paulie, to make sure that no matter what, Emmy was safe.

"If the Prince does his part, which consists only of showing up to collect his daughter, you need not worry about the safety of the child."

I twisted my face into one of contempt. "And what if he doesn't?"

I think Aspen would have come regardless, but I worried for Emmy if he didn't. I didn't have any doubt that Aspen cared for his daughter, especially after the conversation I overheard with him and Haven, but he's only known of her existence a short while. Along with that, he hasn't even seen her yet. There was no way that he could have felt that paternal instinct to protect his daughter with all that was in him yet. What if kidnapping Emmy wasn't enough? I felt bad for even thinking this about Aspen, but when so much of my hope had been taken away, it was hard to be optimistic. And as much as I didn't want Emmy to get hurt, I didn't want Aspen to get killed either. So whether he came, or he didn't, there would still be a fight to put up, and a damn hard one at that.

"If the Prince fails to come, it could be because he is calling our bluff, and we'll just have to prove that we mean business. Unfortunately that means that the child will become the first of many casualties. Surely, he'd come to us once he learns that his daughter has been killed at the hands of Isolian rebels. However, I'm optimistic that it won't come to that."

From behind me, I heard someone sniffle.

"How did you even get to her? You said yourself that the reason you couldn't get directly to Aspen was because of the extra security at the Albionian palace." I turned around to see Ashley safely tucked away in Willow's arms, yet she spoke with as much conviction as I had heard in that Albionian rebel prison cell with her. Gone was the girl weeping into her lover's arms.

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