Chapter 27: Kings and Masquerades

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Juliana's POV

The next week passed by in a blur. I eventually moved back into my chambers, but only because the screams from my night terrors were enough to awaken Hayden who was asleep right next door. Taylor was not so fond of them either. As far as I knew, her and Scott still had not rekindled things because she still roamed the palace like a ghost. There, but not really there. Answering questions, but not really speaking. It wasn't like her at all.

I had been acting in a similar manner. I didn't do much speaking to anyone besides my maids. For a while, I was helping a still broken Samuel with Hayden, but when he realized that Lilac wasn't going to regain her memory any time soon, he and my father had no choice but to return to Norland. What ever was going on there, it had become increasingly worse. Aspen had enthusiastically volunteered to join them and the King gratefully accepted. It was no secret that he had done that on the sole purpose to avoid me, but I didn't complain. Maybe it would be easier for is both if we just spent some time apart. He needed to work out his internal conflicts and I needed to figure out how I was going to forgive him for what he had done. I had to. I didn't have any other choice because I loved him. And when you love someone, you have to work harder. The problem is, the more I applied the elixir Haven gave me on my wounded side, the more angry I felt at the fact that he caused it.

The bruise was still pretty dark, but it was feeling better everyday. I could walk up the stairs on my own, but sitting and standing back up again were still a struggle.

"Princess Juliana?" Lana lowered her round hips in a curtsy before speaking.

I looked up from the book that I was reading acknowledging that she could continue.

"Sir Franz has summoned you to the fitting room on the second quarter so that you can try on your dress for the Masquerade tonight."

I nodded and turned back to my book, waiting for Lana to excuse herself before setting it on the desk that occupied the sitting room of my chambers. I made my way out of my chambers, giving a quick nod to the guard that bowed before me before turning on my heel and heading to the second quarter.

When I arrived, I saw Franz eagerly waiting with a decadently dressed mannequin. The dress was absolutely breathtaking; it was strapless with a gold trim occupying the top while the rest of it was a shimmering, navy blue. Franz never failed at making me look beautiful.

"Princesse," he greeted with a bow and a light peck on my knuckles.

"Franz, the dress is perfect," I told him almost startling myself at the sound of my own voice. It had been a whole week since I had said more than two monosyllabic words.

"Graci, Princesse, only the best for you." His dark eyes shined and he flashed me a warm smile.

I removed my evening robe just as Franz stripped the mannequin of the gown. I stepped into it hurriedly before Franz had a chance to notice the bruise on my side. The last thing I needed was for him to report that to the Queen. The movement caused my entire body to ache with protest, but it was worth it.

I allowed Franz to zip me up. He handed me the matching mask which was also navy blue with golden patterns and the navy pumps.

"Thank you, Franz. I do not know how we would function without you." I enthused.

"My pleasure," he said as he gave another bow.

"Am I all set?"

"One more thing," he held up his finger and turned to the desk located beside him. He opened the drawer and pulled out a sapphire necklace. The chain that held it together was simple, but the sapphire itself was pure perfection.

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