Chapter Five {Revised}

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I fiddle nervously with my fingers as I impatiently wait for Aspen and his cousins to arrive. Typical royals, always fashionably late.

"Juliana! Get your elbows off the table. How many times do I have to tell you this?" the queen reprimands as she lingers over me.

"Sorry, Mother," I mumble as I quickly remove my hands from the table.

"Look, darling. I know you're nervous. You have every right to be, but please, do not mess this up. I'll be right inside if you need anything."

I simply nod at the queen before she gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze before exiting the garden.

"Don't worry, Juliana. You'll be fine and I'm right here for you," Lilac says, giving me a reassuring smile. Taylor just snickers.

I roll my eyes.

"Do you have an issue, Taylor? Because if you do, then we can settle it right now. But fair warning: I'm in sandals so it's much easier for me to kick your ass when you're in five-inch heels."

A wide grin appears on Taylor's face. What in the world could she be smiling about?

"Oh, how I would love to take you up on that offer, cousin-dear, but it would be rude to our guest." She outstretches her hand to something behind me when I suddenly freeze.

Oh no. I silently pray to whatever merciful higher power there might be that it is not my husband-to-be behind me. No doubt he'll think me some violent psycho. Not exactly a great first impression.

"Well, hello there," Taylor purrs. "You must be Prince Aspen. I'm Juliana's cousin, Meredith Taylor- Anne Clairborne, but my friends call me Taylor. Though, you can call me whatever you like." She shakes hands with the figure, presumably Aspen, behind me.

"It's very nice to meet you, Taylor. And these two lovely women are?" a smooth, deep voice asks. I look over to see Lilac blushing ferociously.

"I-I'm Lilac. It's a pleasure, your Highness," Lilac stumbles nervously while attempting to stand from her seat and curtsy.

I catch a sight of Aspen's hands modestly helping Lilac back to her seat.

"It's a pleasure, Lilac. And please, there is no need for the bowing. Also, feel free to call me Aspen."

I know I must look a fool just sitting in my seat without turning to face him, but I can't bring my body to move. Luckily, I don't have to. Aspen walks around the length of the table until he is directly in the seat in front of me. His moves are graceful and elegant. A natural born prince, there is no doubt about that. He flashes me a bright smile. I finally manage to let go of my cowardice and direct my eyes to his. I feel my breath hitch in my throat and I can only hope that no one notices.

He has the most gorgeous blue, or maybe they are gray, eyes I had ever seen. I'd never seen anyone's eyes be that color before. His hair is a thick, copper brown that he leaves tousled as if he couldn't be bothered with it one way or the other. He is dressed casually for a prince. He wears light colored pants and a crème colored button up with the sleeves rolled up to reveal his forearms and the corded muscle beneath his tanned skin. I can't control the hormonal teenager inside me that thinks: this might just work out after all.

"So, you must be Princess Juliana. I must say, you are even more beautiful than my mother described." He smiles as he bows and extends his hand.

I stifle my intimidation, stand up, and smooth over my dress before curtsying and shaking his outstretched hand.

"You are too kind, Prince Aspen. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you," I lie before taking a seat and gesturing for him to do the same.

Royale (Book #1 Royale Series) {Under Revision}Where stories live. Discover now