Chapter 37: The Prices We Pay

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Juliana's POV

"Oh no. This is not good." Willow kept repeating as she analyzed the corpse before us. "What the hell did you do to him anyway? I don't see any blood."

I looked down at my fingers shamefully. I knew what that move that my father taught me so long ago did. My intent was to kill him. But it was only out of fear for my own life. And now that my life was no longer threatened, in that precise moment, I was full of regret.

"I lodged his septum into his brain." I told her quietly.

"And you were strong enough to get it through the skull?" Willow sounded impressed, but it was only a small layer over her fear. "People underestimate you, Princess. I know I sure did."

If the situation wasn't so dire, I might have smiled at her compliment. But it wasn't true. That move was the only weapon I had to defend myself and I wouldn't always have a chance to use it. I was defenseless, powerless, and weak. I didn't even have the means to protect myself, let alone an entire country. Maybe the naysayers have been right. I was too young, too naïve and helpless to take on the role of a queen.

I just wanted to return home. The palace was just a large building, a tourist attraction for most people. But for me, it was home. I missed my family and worried for them. My situation wasn't great, but I was alive and I had someone to help me escape. I couldn't imagine what they'd be thinking. How awful it must be for them to have no idea where to find me. Most of all, though, I missed Aspen. I missed everything about him. His haunting eyes, thick hair, and his smile. While it was rare for him to do so, his smile was one of the things that I missed most. I missed his strong arms; the way they held me so gently. I missed his touch and how he sent goosebumps down my body at the slightest brush of his fingertips against my skin. And then there was his kiss. While it was true, I'd only been kissed by him a couple of times, I could never forget the way he made me feel. He could add so much passion in a kiss, yet it was so gentle and tender. It was like, he was afraid I would break if he kissed me too hard. And that's when I realized, he thought I was weak too. It was one thing for me to accept that other people thought it and another thing for me to even admit it within myself, but knowing that Aspen thought it too affected me the most. I couldn't accept it.

"What are we going to do?" I asked Willow who sat hunched over the Isolian leader's dead body.

She ran a frustrated hand over her face. "We have to get rid of the body."

I widened my eyes, outraged at the request. "What? How?"

She looked at me with determined eyes. "You asked me before how I had planned on getting you out of here, though I had closed myself inside the room when you woke up. Now, you're going to get your answer."

"Are we escaping now?" I could not hide the swell of hope layered in my voice.

"We can't. Isola is in the midst of a storm. It's been snowing nonstop for days. I would imagine that Albion will soon fall closer behind."

I remember briefly being warned about the impending storm from both my mother and one of her maids. Not that I think it would have made a difference, but I wish I had paid more attention.

"So, what's your plan?" I asked her.

"Come with me." She gestured to the other side of the room with her head. I followed her as she led me to a corner.

"You're not the only who was kept in this room. When they first captured me, I was kept in here for two years. I marked the days, as you can see." She pointed at the tally marks traced across the wall in chalk that seemed to stretch on forever.

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