Chapter 36: The Thin Line Between Murder and Fear

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Juliana's POV

I kicked away the plate of brown slop that my captors so graciously placed in front of me. I was beyond famished and my lips were dry from lack of water, but I refused to eat the smelly food provided for me. It'd kill me faster than hunger anyway. However, if I didn't drink something soon, I'd become dehydrated.

The room began to spin in front of me and I took a few deep breaths to calm my breathing.

Please don't pass out. Please don't pass out.

I repeated this mantra over and over to myself, but I could feel myself beginning to black out. Just as I thought there was no use in resisting anymore, I heard the large door open, letting some light into the otherwise dark room. I braced myself for another round of abuse, but relaxed a little when Willow walked in carrying a glass of water.

If my mouth wasn't so dry, I might have drooled at the sight.

I took notice of how she left the door open this time. I was still wondering how she planned on getting me out of this hell hole. I wasn't even sure how long I'd been here. Every second seemed to pass by painfully slow, but the room remained dark so there was no way for me to tell exactly how long I'd been here.

Willow came over to me and brought the cup to my lips and I swallowed the entire thing in one sip. Some of it trickled done my face, but I didn't care.

"How long have a been here?" I asked, startled at my own scratchy voice.

"Two days," she replied as if it wasn't a big deal.

"They'll find me," I told her. They had to. Right?

"I know they will. The whole country is in an uproar and King David has ordered every patrol officer in Priscilla to search for you. I have no doubt that they'll tear both Albion and Isola apart searching for you, but they won't get to you in time. I'm sure of it. And if you're not scarred by the abuse these people have shown you already, you will be once they've gotten what they want."

I pursed my lips together to suppress my tears. It pained me to think of how much pain my family must be in. What if they thought I was dead? The thought horrified me.

Then I thought about Aspen. Was he worried about me? He must be. He may not have wanted to marry me, but I was sure he cared about me nonetheless. But the fact that I had to question whether or not he did worried me.

"I know who you are." I told Willow.

She smirked. "Oh yeah, I forgot, you've learned my name. Tell me, when is the biography you're writing on my life being released?"

I rolled my eyes at her sarcasm. "I know about Ashley." I said, if only to wipe that smirk off her face.

I succeeded.

"And what exactly do you know? Hmm?" She asked me and I knew that I hit a nerve.

"I know that the two of you are in love. I know that she thinks that you're imprisoned somewhere in Albion right now."

Willow pressed her lips together to suppress either anger, or sadness, or something that I couldn't put my finger on.

"Why? Why does she think that? What's going on?" I asked.

Willow's impassive expression returned, letting me know that she wasn't going to tell me what I wanted to know.

"I owe you some answers, but I don't owe you those."

Once again, I found myself rolling my eyes. "When are you planning on getting me out of here?"

"I have a plan, okay? So quit asking questions and keep your mouth shut."

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