A Note From the Author

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First, let me just start by giving a HUGE thank you to everyone who decided to take a chance on this book. And maybe you've found that you thoroughly enjoyed it, in which case, YAY!

This has been an extremely wild ride for me, y'all. I started this book as a rising freshman in high school. And now, here I am, four years later, a freshman in college. As my earlier chapters will display, I've come quite far. More than that, however, somehow, these characters who just sprouted from my imagination have, in some way, become a part of me. I feel that on some completely unweird level, as they've grown and evolved in my book, I've taken that journey with them. And it's an incredibly amazing feeling to have finally, after four years in the making, completed this first chapter in a journey that I hope each and every one of you will stick around for because it's going to be wild.

That being said, the next book in this series is called Exile (naturally). This book, as was the first, will be told from multiple points of view. I'm SO excited for this, guys. It's been a long time in the making. I'm going to be introducing a lot of new characters which is honestly going to be so fun.

So, in this next book, we're going to get to experience Juliana's life in exile and how she copes with being outside the palace and away from her family for the first time in her life. Also, I, as an author, am going to be able to explore the dynamic between Juliana and her biological family, which is going to be really cool considering there wasn't much of that going on in the first book. Along with this, I'm also going to be focusing heavily on life at the palace, particularly the Isolian palace which we've gotten a brief taste of in the first book. But I also want to introduce how life at the Isolian Court is going to be somewhat different than life in the Albionian palace, where most of the book took place. We're also going to see how everyone is managing without Juliana in their lives and how they're preparing for the war with the rebels. We're going to get to see how Taylor and Aspen deal with life as both king and queen and husband and wife. That's going to be really awesome considering these are two characters who didn't really have much interaction in the first book, and when they did, it wasn't particularly pleasant.

In addition to all of this, as I stated before, I'll be introducing a lot of new characters, both following Juliana's exile and back at the palace.

Please, please, PLEASE be on the lookout for the sequel which will be posted by the end of December.

ALSO, very important note: I'm doing a SERIOUS revision of this first book, Royale. I'm going back to earlier chapters that were written by fourteen-year-old me and editing them so that they sound more mature. I'm revising for grammar AND content. I'll be posting these revisions all at once, so to save any confusion, I would personally recommend going back and scanning a few chapters before starting the second book. I'm going so far as to change even whole conversations. The overall plot and important issues won't be bothered with, so if you don't wish to go back and revisit old chapters, that's cool too.

So, I think that's it. Again, thank y'all so much for sticking with me throughout this book. I'll have a sequel coming at ya real soon. But for now, because I love each and every one of you, here's a cover reveal and a description :) 

 But for now, because I love each and every one of you, here's a cover reveal and a description :) 

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When everything has fallen apart...what more is there to lose?

For this exiled princess, it is everything.

Juliana Clairborne has just been stripped of her title as Princess of Albion and sentenced to exile. With a new home, new identity, and a new family, Juliana no longer has the palace walls to protect her from the world. Moving to a new place and adjusting to a new life can be hard for some people, but for Juliana, being raised a royal her entire life, it's impossible. She struggles to fit in with regular people and misses her ex-fiancé and love of her life, Aspen, so much that it hurts. As Juliana battles with her emotions and faces new enemies, she comes to learn exactly how far she is willing to go for her country.

Love y'all! Stay tuned!

Royale (Book #1 Royale Series) {Under Revision}Where stories live. Discover now