Chapter Fifteen {Revised}

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Queen Sara

I wring my fingers together in an uncharacteristic display of nervousness as Lilac's mother's cries of worry echo fiercely through the telephone line.

"How could you let this happen, Sara?" she asks me, her anger enhanced by her fear. "Did you not have guards stationed by her door? Were you not concerned enough with my daughter's life?"

"Of course I was, Ella. I don't know very many more ways to apologize for this unfortunate event, but I am doing everything in my power to ensure that she is receiving the best medical care money can buy." I try to assure her, but I know that my words mean little to her considering the part I played in Lilac's attack.

"That doesn't mean much to me considering I thought you had the best security money could buy. Obviously, my trust was misplaced then. Regardless, I'm coming to see my daughter. Inform your gatekeepers that I'm coming. I'm in no mood to wait."

Before I can respond, she hangs up the phone.

I can't help my sigh. My exhaustion has become so prominent that I almost don't notice Juliana when she approaches, cradling Lilac's son in her arms.

"Who was that on the phone?" she asks.

"It was Lilac's mother. She wanted an update on Lilac. Given that I could not provide her with an adequate one, she's on her way to see her," I answer.

My daughter's face constricts. "Lilac will not want to see her, Mother. For whatever reason, there is some kind of hitch in their relationship. But I bet you already know that don't you?" she asks, her voice lowering for whatever reason; we are the only two in the medical wing. "How do you know Lilac's mother so well? Is it because of the affair she had with Uncle Zachary?"

"When someone is having an affair with your brother-in-law, you tend to get to know them quite well, Juliana, if that answers your question."

"Did you know that Uncle Zachary was Lilac's father?" she persists.

"If I did, do you not think that I would have told him? My God, Juliana, must you question my loyalty to this family at every turn?" My patience has worn extremely thin given the nature of the events that transpired today, and I'm not well suited to battle with Juliana right now.

"I'm sorry," she offers, looking down. "I'm just worried. In a single rebel attack, both my friend and my betrothed are in this medical wing with serious injuries and I feel utterly useless."

I sigh. "I know it's difficult, dear. But you needn't stress yourself over things that you cannot change." I gesture to the sleeping baby in her arms. "He will need to eat soon—there is no telling how long Lilac was unconscious before you and Taylor arrived. You should hand him off to his nurse Elena. We have all been up all night and we could all use some rest."

Already, Juliana is shaking her head. "What if Lilac wakes up or Aspen gets out of surgery? I can't leave them. I need to be here."

"Juliana, I am not asking. The medical staff will update me every hour. If there is a change, I will let you know."

She is silent, but finally, she nods her head, conceding.

I turn away preparing to head back to my own chambers and I'm quickly met with my husband's face. He stands arms crossed at the end of the hallway. He beckons me to follow, and because he is my king, I follow.


I sit at my vanity, brushing my raven hair. What once used to be so thick and voluminous has now begun to grow thin and weak. I am so focused on the strands of hair that have escaped my scalp and are now tangled within my brush that I have not heard what David has been saying to me.

Royale (Book #1 Royale Series) {Under Revision}Where stories live. Discover now