Chapter 35: I Was Enchanted To Meet You

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The Queen's POV

Twenty-two years ago

I brushed the dust from my books onto the pavement below my feet before bringing them back to my chest and continuing my walk to school. My old combat boots crunched against the rocky ground as I quickened my pace to avoid being late...again.

My best friend, Beatrice, still managed to startle me as she ran up beside me, even though she'd been doing it everyday since we became friends.

"Sara, why do you have to walk so fast? I can barely keep up." She said to me.

"I'm sorry, Bea. It's just, my mother will kill me if I'm late for school again." I told her, earning me an eye roll.

"What's the point anyway?" She said as she kicked a few rocks.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Come on Sara, it doesn't matter how much we go to school and learn. We all have the same future ahead of us. No one ever gets out of Terrance." She brushed a tear away from her freckled cheek. "We'll always be poor. We'll always struggle. A piece of paper from our dumpy ass high school isn't going to change that."

I sighed. She was right. The Ball was a little under a week ago, but the memories from that night were permanently etched in my mind. They only reminded me of how I'd almost had a chance. A chance at a better life for my mother and myself. Things weren't much better than they are now when my father was alive, but at least my parents always had each other. And then he died and my mother became different. She was more angry and protective towards me. She hardly let me do anything or go anywhere. Not that there were very many things to do or places to go, but I could hardly step outside without getting the third degree.

That's why the Prince's Ball was such a big deal for me. It was a chance to escape this miserable existence, but that was gone now. But at least I had the memory to hold on to. I could distinctly remember the glitz and glamour of the palace and I could honestly say that for one night, I was apart of it. And of course I remembered Prince David.  His bright blue eyes and his dark hair. The way his eyes had lit up when he smiled at me. Our encounter, however brief, would stay with me forever.

I may never end up a rich queen, but at least I had that. And in a way, it was worth more to me because it was something I could hold on to forever. No one could touch it or take it away from me. That was a blessing and I'd never take it for granted.

"We may always be poor, Bea, but I have to believe that there is something beautiful in this world to live for. Maybe things will change when Prince David becomes king." I suggested.

"King Jonathan isn't the problem, Sara. It's this damned war with Isola. We've wasted all of our money and resources on trying to defeat them. And I know that's it's necessary, but the poor provinces always get hit the worse."

"The war will end."

"I don't think it will."

I let out a breath. I didn't know if she was right or not, but I couldn't think about that right now. There was nothing either of us could do about it.

We approached the school building minutes later. Well, it was more of a large barn, but it held the number of students that attended, which was enough. I was about to walk in when Bea stopped me. She stared her dark eyes into mine and then they became glassy.


"Listen Sara, I don't know if the war with Isola will ever end, but if it does, do something amazing with your life. If anyone has a chance to get out of here, it's you. Just pack up everything and leave. And never look back because you deserve so much more than what you've been given out of life."

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