Chapter 24: For the Love of a Father

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Juliana's POV

Eleven years ago

I sipped my orange juice from my tea cup and tapped my finger nails on the small round table. We normally have breakfast inside, but Mother insisted on eating outside today. I didn't mind though. It was a beautiful day and our family rarely ever ate breakfast together. Mother was usually the one to summon me for breakfast, but Father was never there. I had learned that he would have his breakfast sent to his office or occasionally Father would summon me and Mother would have her food sent to her chambers.

I never understood it and I still don't. That being said, I decided to take advantage of the fact that for once, we were all going to eat together.

"Sweetheart," my mother started and I reflexively groaned. Something had to be wrong. I could hear it in her voice and the way she called me "sweetheart".

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Why do you assume something is wrong?" Father asked me attempting to keep his voice even, but failing. I could hear the strain.

"You and Mother are actually eating together. In the same place at the same time."

They looked at each other and then turned back to me. My mother reached for my hand and clasped it tightly. My father laid his hand on top causing Mother to flinch, but he didn't draw his hand away.

"Something happened a few weeks ago. David and I have been trying to find a way to tell you." Mother said then looking at my father, obviously wanting him to finish her thought.

"Well, what is it?"

My father sighed. "As you know, your father," he paused when I wrinkled my nose at the word "father", then he started again, "your real father, has been fighting in the Isolian war since you were born." He stopped to let me confirm his words.

"Yes, I know. Has something happened?" I asked, taking another sip of my orange juice.

He gave another glance at Mother before turning back to me. "Unfortunately, I have been sent word that he has perished. I'm sorry, Julie."

I withdrew my hand and kept it under the table. For some reason the urge to cry overwhelmed me, but I forced myself not to. I didn't even know him. I'd never even met him. Did he even know that I existed? But for some reason, there was an ache in my chest and it tightened as I forced my tears to stay at bay. And they did.

I held my face back up and forced myself to keep my expression and my tone even. "That is unfortunate. Is that all?" I said and surprised myself at my nonchalant tone. "The new governess you hired, Dorothy, is very tough. She will surely be angry if I'm late for tutoring."

Mother and Father exchanged a strange glance before turning back to me.

"You do not have to go today if you do not want to. I can tell Dorothy that-" Mother started, but I cut her off. Usually that would have been unacceptable, but I had a feeling that she was going to be more lenient considering the circumstances.

"It's okay, Mother. Really, I'm fine. Thank you for telling me. I will see you both at dinner."

I got up from my seat abandoning my half eaten breakfast. I turned away on my heel preparing to get ready for my tutoring session, but I had only made it a couple of feet when I stopped. My feet wouldn't allow me to go inside and pretend that I was okay.

Suddenly, my knees buckled. I had not even noticed that I had fallen before I started crying. Uncontrollable sobs escaped my lips and my efforts to stop were pointless. I didn't even know what I was crying about. The loss itself wasn't extreme considering I had never even met the man, but I still couldn't shake the pain I felt. The emptiness filled me at the fact that even though the King was my father, the only father I would ever need or want and the best I could ask for, I had just lost a father.

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