Chapter 26: Bittersweet Return

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Juliana's POV

"A Masquerade Ball?" I slammed my hands on the board room table in frustration causing a wave of pain to ripple throughout my body, but I held back my groan. "Mother, you can not be serious!"

The Queen sighed. "I know, Juliana. I know, but trust me, this is not my idea. The Council wants us to become better acquainted with other nations that are ruled by a monarchy."

I sat back in my chair and this time, I did let out my groan. "Do they not know that we already have other things to do? Me and Aspen's wedding, my birthday party, my banquet for the Craven Home for Girls..." I trailed off.

"Juliana honey, you do not need to worry about a thing. I will take care of it all. I just need you and Aspen to attend. I understand the stress that is being put on the both of you and I want to help in any way possible." Irina stated.

I smiled at her. "You don't know how grateful I am for that, Irina. When will this ball be held?"

"The Council is giving us one week to prep." The Queen answered.

"Who else is coming?" Aspen asked.

"The entire Clairborne and Carlisle royal family. For now, we know of two nations that are being asked to attend. The Naverre royal family from Varona and the Blackwell royal family from Karina. The Council is handling the rest of the guest list." Irina told us.

"That's one less problem I suppose." I said.

"Darling, maybe you should hold off on this whole Craven Home for Girls business. It is a noble thing and I support it completely, it's just, I do not want you to stress yourself out before the wedding." The Queen advised.

She had a point, but I would not turn my back on this project. For some reason, I felt obligated to help these girls. Even if it meant overwhelming myself, this was one thing I had to do.

"I hope you know what you are getting yourself into."

I sighed. I hoped so too. Lately, knowing what I was getting myself into was becoming a serious challenge. I looked over at Aspen who was already hunched over the table taking notes on how to prep for the ball.

The guilt I felt inside burned intensely. So intensely that I swear everyone in the room could see it. I was being ridiculous. Pulling away from him over something that happened when he was eight years old. And Irina too. She was so helpful in planning for my wedding and this ball. It didn't seem like she had a mean bone in her body. And maybe she didn't. What her and Xander did all those years ago was simply defending their country. Besides, we were not all that innocent ourselves. I am sure many Isolians lost their loved ones due to the brutality of Albion's soldiers. Both of our countries had made mistakes. That is what this whole alliance was for, to forgive each other.

So why didn't I feel better? What was still missing? I just admitted to myself that it was not his fault what happened to my father, but something was still wrong.

"Aspen, may I speak with you in the hall for a moment?"

He furrowed his eyebrows, but nodded. "Sure,"

We excused ourselves from the board room and I led him toward the end of the hallway just at the entrance of the third quarter.

"What's wrong?" Aspen asked, concerned.

I swallowed. "I am about to tell you something and I am going to need you to trust me and keep an open mind. Can you do that for me?"

"Of course. Anything, but Jules, what is this about?"

I took a deep breath. "It's about Haven," I answered cautiously.

Aspen tensed up as he always did when her name was mentioned.

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