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𝔖𝔲𝔯𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔢𝔰 𝔒𝔫 𝔗𝔬𝔭 𝔒𝔣 𝔖𝔲𝔯𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔢𝔰


It was only now that Izuku had reached home from the mall where he met with his boss. Those words replaying in his head every time he took a step.

Remember who you belong to.

The green-haired male was mentally hurting himself after recalling what Tomura had told him. "Me and my stupid hopeless dreams," Izuku said through gritted teeth opening his door harshly. He slammed the door and walked into the kitchen placing down the stuff he had bought.

What little motivation he had to cook just went away along with his appetite to eat. Izuku sighed running his hands through his green curls thinking about everything he could at the moment just so he wouldn't remember about what his boss had said.

Thoughts like, 'why did I do this,' thoughts along that line were what were going through Izuku's mind. He knew that he put himself in the predicament the moment he agreed with the dangerous male.

Izuku wanted to cry thinking about the life that he was living in now. The only thing that was keeping Izuku on his feet was his dead mother, the woman he promised and he would be damned if he broke that promise to her after she spent all of the money she made on him.

That only made him wish that she was there. After she left, although he had Uraraka and Iida, he still felt alone.

Waking up every day to no one by his side. Izuku had no one to care for him and sometimes he wished that there was at least someone out there that could cater to him to make him feel less alone. 

Someone that could just take his problems away even if it's just for a little while. He longed for someone to bear his burdens so he could be free. He knew it was a selfish thought but it was something that he hoped for.

While Izuku was in his thoughts, he was oblivious to the fact that a familiar blonde-haired CEO was on his way to his apartment. Katsuki was gripping on his wheel tightly thinking about all the possible ways that the conversation would go. It could be Midoriya wanting him to leave after explaining what happened which made no sense to him.

Of course, Bakugo wouldn't take no for an answer. He was confident, however, that Izuku would agree to what he has to say.

Katsuki pulled up at the apartment. He looked around and was grimacing at how the outside of the place looked. The building looked old and any idiot could see that it was about to fall any minute.

"What are you doing in a place like this?" He whispered to no one in particular as he continued to look at the condition of the building.

He shook his head pulling his jacket over it and putting on his shades. He couldn't deal with the unwanted attention right now from people. With the way he was dressed, he looked like a robber more than anything. That didn't bother Katsuki anyhow as he walked into the building.

He wasn't planning to spend longer than needed. Katsuki would apologise and leave and they could act as nothing happened but he doesn't know what the future holds even if it's only an hour ahead.

As much as he knew that the other's taste of food was incredible and that he would do wonders in his kitchen, Katsuki wasn't too keen about the idea. He wanted to pretend as nothing happened but if the idea does run through his head, he would offer the male a job after a cooking interview. He needed better people than some of the extras that were in his kitchen anyway.

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