Season 4, Episode 20 - Lights Out (Redone)

Start from the beginning

Cut back to the choir room as Will is talking the New Directions. "All right, I know these conditions aren't ideal, but I want to thank you guys for toughing it out. And we have our first volunteer, who is going to show us how to get back to basics and really strip it down. So, let's give it up for Sam," Will smiled as the New Directions clapped for Sam as he sat down with his guitar. "Right. Uh, take it away," Will smiled. "Thanks. Um, well, when Mr. Schue started talking about being big, I started thinking about Phil Spector's legendary Wall of Sound, and how he would use, like, thousands of instruments so his songs could really fill a stadium. And then I started thinking about stripping, um, out all that extra noise to get to the essence of the song. Plus, my mom said that I was conceived to this song, so I kind of literally owe my existence to the Righteous Brothers. Anyways, uh, here it goes," Sam smiled a bit as he strummed the chords to 'You've Lost That Loving Feeling'.

As Sam sings the song Artie seems mostly distracted during the performance being on his phone. Ryder soon chimes in backing Sam up as do the rest of the New Directions besides Artie who still seems distracted by his phone. As Sam finished the New Directions applauded him. "Wow, you see that, guys? That's the kind of power and passion that we need for regionals. Good job, Sam," Will smiled over at Sam who nodded. "Um, next up, uh, Artie. Show us what you got," Will said as Artie went over the piano trying to do his song but got easily frustrated. "I'm sorry, Mr. Schue. I can't do Miguel without my synth. I needs my synth!" Artie exclaimed. "No, you needs to man up," Sam said frustrated. "Excuse me?" Artie asked narrowing his eyes at Sam. "You know how often the power went off at my house, how many times my dad couldn't afford to pay the stupid bill?" Sam said upset. "Relax, dude," Artie said trying to calm Sam down. "I had to entertain my brother and sister with just my guitar and my voice, and we didn't have any synth. I mean, like, I saw you texting during my song, and it's not just you; It's all of us. We're so focused on being plugged in to the Twitterverse and the Blogosphere that we don't appreciate what's actually right in front of us. And I think that that's just sad and lame," Sam said solemnly as the bell rang.

Cut to the office as Isabelle is talking on the phone. "Great, so we'll include a Blu-ray of Black Swan, um, in the gift bag and a note from the director, "How Ballet Inspired Me." Oh, that's perfect. Thanks, Darren. I appreciate it. Oh, and, uh, listen, you're at my table, seated next to Christopher. So be nice. All right, bye," Isabelle said as she hung up her phone as Kurt is waiting to speak to her. "Darren...?" He asked. "Aronofsky. Christopher Nolan," Isabelle said honestly. "Oh," Kurt nodded. "You may be seated," Isabelle said as Kurt took a seat beside her. "So, first of all, how is your dad?" Isabelle asked. "Oh, uh, thank you for asking. He's doing good. Um, he's back at work, and all his treatments seem to be working," Kurt smiled. " Good, I'm happy to hear that," Isabelle smiled. "I thought you might have called me in here because, um, you were gonna fire me," Kurt said nervously. "What? Why would I do that?" Isabelle said shaking her head. "Well umm I haven't been as involved with this internship since my classes at NYADA got more demanding and..." Kurt began. "You haven't been coming in as much. We've noticed," Isabelle said trying to sound intimidating "But quality trumps quantity always. And though NYADA's gain is's loss, I will never stop anyone from pursuing their passion," Isabelle said honestly. "Bless you fairy godmother," Kurt smiled. "But I need your help. You know I'm co-chairing the gala for New York City Ballet's educational programs?" Isabelle asked. "Yeah, it's only the social event of the performing arts season," Kurt said in awe. "My celebrity wrangler just canceled. It was going to be Anna's daughter, but she got the chicken pox à la Barbara Walters. So I need somebody. I need somebody good who can dive in ASAP," Isabelle said honestly. "If anyone else does this, I-I will literally die," Kurt said seriously. "Okay. All right," Isabelle chuckled."Yes," Kurt grinned. "And listen, um, if you want to draft a couple of friends to help you out, that's good, too," Isabelle smiled. "Yeah?" Kurt beamed knowing exactly who he wanted to draft in, maybe this was his way of helping Santana find her direction.

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