12 | Most beautiful eyes

Start from the beginning

I laugh at myself.

As I was about to drive past, I saw a figure slumped down, leaning against the tree trunk. She has her head in her hands. Her knees are drawn to her chest. I can see her busted knuckles even from this far in my car.

Her golden skin is glistening with sweat in the sunlight. Her brown hair was a mess, her clothes so dirty and with the looks of it, they looked torn too. But she doesn't seem to care, she's just leaning against the tree, slumped.

I get out of the car and rush to her, I hesitantly bend down and rub her shoulders gently. Her head snaps up, and as if it was an instinct, she pushes me away. I, not having to expect it, lose my balance, and fell down.

"What do you want?" she growls, resting her arms on her knees, her hair falling on her face hiding it.

I mirror her position and stay where I am on the ground keeping some distance between us. Something has happened to her, and I can't handle leaving her alone when she is low. Even if she's a complete stranger, I have to help her.

If I were her, I wouldn't want help right now, but I would certainly appreciate it when I came to my right senses.

"Had a bad day?" I asked softly

She doesn't say anything. She just stays still, breathing deeply.

"You know, this place is really nice. I come here every morning to escape. I don't know what's in it with this place, but somehow, I find my peace here. See those calisthenics bars over there?" I point towards them on my left "There's where I work out and lose myself. These palm trees around give that calm feeling I crave for. The fresh beach air seems to do it for me since it's just a mile away. This place is like a little heaven on the earth, don't you think?" I tell her softly in an attempt to make her say something.

Which kind of worked too, "Yeah, it is," She says very quietly.

"I'm AJ," I hold my hand to her with a soft smile on my face, hoping she would at least feel a little good.

"Huh? AJ? What's that stand for? Your parents couldn't name you 'two letters'," she huffed, still hiding her face behind her hair.

I let out a small chuckle, "Stands for Arianna June," My name's no secret, just no one calls me Arianna. My cousin, Patrick, started calling me AJ when I was little, and it stuck. Now everyone calls me that, and even I don't bother to people my real name when I know they're gonna end up calling me AJ anyway.

"Your parents must be really cool," I can hear the sad edge in her voice.

I gave her a sad smile but didn't correct her. I didn't tell her that my family, my parents, are far from cool. They're anything but cool.

"Hey, wanna come with me?" I ask her softly

Her head snaps up, and this time I can see her face. She looks at me incredulously, as if she can't believe what she's hearing. Her beautiful eyes are wide from the surprise.

I have to say, she's got the most beautiful eyes ever. Beautiful and unique. Her left eye is very light blue—like the crystal clear water, and her right eye is light-green—like the water reflecting the color of trees. Those vibrant eyes are staring right at me.

"You've got the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen," I said quietly, still stuck in awe.

She scoffed at that, shutting her eyes for a while as if to hide them from me. I shot her a questioning look but didn't push the stranger in front of me.

I stand up and take a few steps back and withdraw my phone from my pocket to call my mother. She picks up in just a few rings,

"Where are you, AJ? Come home in five minutes, we are ready!" She snaps at me as her greeting.

"Mom, about that..." I trailed off, trying to figure out how to explain the situation I have here.

"What?" she snapped at me, making me slightly annoying.

"Umm," I clear my throat before starting slowly and choosing the words carefully and not make her not agree with what I'm going to suggest to her. "Mom, actually, a friend of mine fell from a tree, and her clothes are torn. She's a little bruised and all. And her home is at the other end of the town, so, can I bring her home and give her some clothes to change? It wouldn't be nice to let her go home with her clothes torn, now would it? And you raised me better than let her roam in this condition,"

I dropped the 'you raised me better than that' purposefully because I knew she wouldn't be able to say no to that.

"Oh my god, is she alright? And of course, AJ, bring her home! Come on, come home quickly, and make sure she's comfortable and drive slowly, okay?" she ordered before hanging up.

I glance back at the girl with a smile, "Guess who's getting free food?"

"Why would you do that? You don't even know me," She says

"Well, I don't know you, But I know you don't want to go home right now. And there's no way in hell I would leave you here all alone here," I say

I walk to her, grab her wrist, and pulled her up. I was surprised to find her wrist really strong and hard. As if to indicate she's an athlete.

"What's your name?" I asked her, pulling towards my car.

"Really, you don't have to do this. I'm fine," The girl tried to get free from my hold slowly but she couldn't.

"Well, I want to do this," I said.

Right after, I sensed a movement behind, and as an instinct, my hand shoots to stop whatever it was coming at me to make contact with the girl's fist.

I turned around and smiled at her, "Nice, I would have done that, too, if I were you. I mean, I'm a complete stranger to you, and you don't know what my intentions. And here I am pulling to my car to take you god knows where. But here," I grab my phone and hand her "take my phone. Free feel to call whomever. I am taking you to my house. Don't worry, it's just minutes away from here. Plus, I have a car. You can trust me. You won't trust me, I know. Because if I were you, I wouldn't have trusted on a complete stranger. But, just so you know, I'm just trying to help you. Your wrist is hard and strong, which says that you work out you are an athlete. And with the force you've thrown the punch, I can tell that you fight. And I should be the one who should be afraid. Because if you managed to punch me, I know I would pass out right away. Well, maybe I exaggerated, but you get my point. Anyway, just know that I want to help you and nothing more. Besides, if you don't come with me, my mom will probably kill me after the story I fed her with," I finished letting out a deep breath, and I let go of her wrist.

She has a small smile on her face as she studies my face. "Well, I'm going to keep your phone for now, and I will come with you just so you stay alive,"

"Come on, then," I chuckle "This is the third time I'm going to ask your name, at least tell me what can I call you. Or else I'm going to stick with the stranger girl,"

"Oh, please. This is the second time," She replied

"You get my point," I say as I get in the car

"I-" she starts but stops abruptly, "Raven Jones. My name's Raven Jones,"

* * *

remember to be the best version of yourself. it's fun.

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