42) Cheronica vs Lopaz (MAJOR plot twist)

Start from the beginning

Cheryl watched all of this happen and within a matter of seconds she instantly got jealous and hoped to make Toni feel the same way.

"Hey, Veronica," Cheryl says, "are you still coming over this evening to study."

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" Veronica asks.

Cheryl smiles. "Just making sure."

"Can I join?" Toni says with a smile. "I'm pretty much failing Spanish."

Veronica smiles "I can help with that!" she says but then looks over at Cheryl who was desperately trying to hide her jealousy and anger. "Cheryl, can Toni come too?" Veronica asks.

"Sure. The more, the merrier." Cheryl says through gritted teeth.

Of course not many people noticed this conversation happening because of their own chatter with each other but Betty was very observant and saw the whole thing unfold in front of her.

Lunch finally ended and as everyone was walking away Betty caught up with Cheryl who was seething as she watched Toni and Veronica walk to class together.

"Hey," Betty says in a calming tone, "are you alright?"

"No, Betty! Do I look alright?" Cheryl screams, gaining the attention of those walking around her.

"Follow me," Betty says as she drags Cheryl into the office of The Blue and Gold.

"What do you want?" Cheryl asks, more calm now.

"I want to know what's wrong. I could guess and be about 99% accurate but I'd rather you tell me what's going on." Betty explains.

Cheryl paces in front of the door. "You can't tell anyone."

"I won't," Betty assures her.

"Okay." Cheryl takes a deep breath. "I like Veronica. Like, I really like her. Toni just seems to be her number one and that bothers me because I want to be her number one. That stupid Serpent scum is always-."

Betty cuts her off with a cough. "My boyfriend is a Serpent, you know."

"Right, sorry. I got a little carried away," Cheryl apologizes.

"It's alright. Just think before you speak. If you like Veronica I can help you get closer to her considering I'm her best friend and, just to be clear, I'm her number one but that's beside the point. The only thing I can't do is get her to like you. If Veronica doesn't want to date you that's not anyone's fault that's just how it is. Okay? I don't even know if she's into girls."

"Okay." Cheryl agrees.

"So it's settled," Betty says. "Also, just a helpful tip, don't try to push Toni and Veronica apart. That will just make them want to be near each other even more."

"Got it."

The girls then end the conversation and head out into the hall and to their classes.

Once the bell rang and school had ended, Cheryl nervously headed home. It was 3:00 meaning she had exactly an hour before Toni and Veronica showed up to her house to study. Cheryl spent the hour cleaning up and plotting the perfect plan to get Veronica alone and ask her out.

Soon, Veronica knocked on the door and Cheryl opened it only to be disappointed because Toni was right behind Veronica.

"Hey, guys." Cheryl tries to fake her enthusiasm.

"Hey," Veronica says with a smile as her and Toni take off their shoes.

"Follow me," Cheryl says as she directs the two girls to the living room where she had laid out snacks and her studying materials.

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