35) Choni

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A/N thank you to @arevengeparty for this story idea. Without their suggestion this story would not have happened so thank you so much and I hope you enjoy!*

"This is why you will never be my daughter, you got it?" Penelope practically spits on Cheryl's face.

"Yes, mommy," Cheryl says with a whimper.

"Don't mommy me." Penelope says as she strikes her daughter across her face. "I will no longer be considered your mother. This deviant behavior of yours has driven you away from this family."

Tears are now streaming down Cheryl's face.

"You know this is all your fault right?" Penelope starts again. "Maybe if you were able to just be normal this wouldn't be happening." Penelope grabs the sides of Cheryl's arms, hard enough to leave bruises. "You are a disgrace," she says, now tightly grabbing Cheryl's wrist and dragging her towards the front door.

"What are you doing?" Cheryl screams.

"Leave! I want you out of my house right now," Penelope insists as she quickly opens the door and pushes Cheryl outside.

"You can't do this. Where am I going to go? Please, don't," Cheryl pleads as Penelope slams the door in her face.

Cheryl drops down on the front porch and begins to cry. She pulls out her cell phone from her pocket and tries her hardest to find someone to call. Her hands are shaky so it takes her a minute but she finally finds the contact that she was looking for.

"Hello?" the person on the other end of the line asks. "Cheryl, is that you? Is everything alright?"

Cheryl could barley speak. "Can you come get me, please," Cheryl asks weakly.

"What happened?"

"Please, Toni. I— I need you," Cheryl says as she starts to cry even harder.

"I'm on my way," Toni says comfortingly. Cheryl hears her rummaging around and then the phone call ends.

Cheryl sits on her front porch, not caring that it was way too cold for her to be outside in pajama shorts and a tank top. In fact, she doesn't feel anything on the outside, as if she's numb to existing anywhere but her head. After 5 maybe 10 maybe even 15 minutes Toni arrives in a car.

"Oh my god, Cheryl," Toni says as she rushes up to the front porch. "Get in the car," Toni begs.

Cheryl doesn't say a word, she does as Toni asks and gets in the car. Cheryl realizes that she hasn't stopped crying and she still has tears streaming down her face like rivers. Toni drives them to her trailer and quickly gets Cheryl inside to warm her up.

"Here," Toni says, wrapping Cheryl in a blanket and sitting her down on the couch. "Cheryl, you're bleeding," Toni says, looking at her cheek where Penelope had slapped her. "Can you tell me what happened?"

Cheryl breaks down into tears again and Toni wraps her arms around her. "It's my mother. It's all her. She wants me gone. If I would have stayed she might've even killed me, Toni," Cheryl says in between sobs.

"Hey," Toni says calmly, "you're safe now." Toni strokes Cheryl's copper hair. "I won't let anything hurt you."

"Toni," Cheryl says, "I don't know what to do. I shouldn't even be here right now. If we weren't together then I wouldn't even have to worry about my hideous mother."

"I'm sorry," Toni says. "I'm really, really sorry."

"Don't be sorry," Cheryl says, pulling away from Toni's comforting arms. "It's my fault. I let it slip that we were together."

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