Luffy grinned with a hand placed on his shoulder as he spun his right arm around.

"Gum Gum....PISTOL!" Luffy shouted when he threw out his arm to punch the sea monster. The creatures face caved in and flew back a few yards before finally submerging back into the water. Luffy spun around to face Anoki, who had a huge smile on her face. 

"Good job Captain! Very strong punch, now that you can finally aim." They both smiled at each other and continued on with their adventure. 


"Wow, this barrel is huge" Coby said as he rolled the barrel around the passenger ship. He tried to go as fast as he could go for he didn't want to be hit again by Alvida. 

"Hey Coby, that's a big wine barrel you got there. Maybe we could help lighten the load" a pirate jeered out as he and two others set the barrel up-right 

"B-but what about Alvida-sama?" Coby stuttered out while twiddling with his fingers, his nerves starting to get to him. 

"Well runt, Captain just won't have to know now will she" the pirate sneered out as he reached to the top of the barrel to open it. Just as his fingers graced against the lid, it popped off and a fist slammed against his face, knocking him unconscious as his body slid against the floor. Everyone was shocked as they watched Luffy spring up and look around confused. Their eyes bulged even more when they saw Anoki stand up with Nathari gripped in her hands. 

"Ah, Luffy-kun you punched someone" Anoki pointed out, dusting herself off and swinging her legs over the barrel to get out. 

"What a strange place for someone to nap. Hey, you guys should move your friend, he'll catch a cold if he keeps sleeping out here" Luffy said dumbly as he also got out of the barrel. All of the pirates scampered off with their unconscious friend, leaving Coby with Luffy and Anoki. Luffy started sniffing the air like a hound and started chanting "food, food, food" under his breath. Anoki smiled at his antics and quietly trailed after him, Coby following after her. 

"Ah apples! Here Anoki have one" Luffy cheered as he handed a few to his first mate. Anoki smiled and thanked him. "So.." Anoki trialed off as she turned to the pink haired boy. "Is this a pirate ship?" 

Coby flushed a deep red at the beautiful woman and started to stutter, while Luffy silently glared at him for looking at HIS first mate like that. "A-Ah well, this is actually a passenger ship that's being raided by the Alvida pirates" Coby quietly stuttered out, his red cheeks contrasting his pink hair. Anoki hummed at that and looked back at her captain before returning her gaze. 

"Are there any dinghy's on board?" Coby nodded at her question and led the two towards a beaten down one. 

"It looks like a coffin" Luffy pointed out which Anoki nodded, twisting her hand against Nathari. 

"So what were you two doing in a barrel anyways?" Coby questioned as he leaned against the wall, looking at them curiously. 

"Ah we're pirates, I'm looking for the one piece. I'm going to be King of the pirates, and Anoki here is my first mate!" Luffy cheered out as he wrapped an arm around Anoki's shoulders. 

 "K-k-k-king of the pirates!! That means you're headed to the Grand Line!"

"Yep, that's right"

"Impossible, impossible, impossible! It's known as a pirates graveyard, you'll neve.." Coby was cut off by Anoki hitting him on the head with the end of Nathari. 

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