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"Boo bitch!" My best friend said as I answered the door.

"Jayy you vampire" I chuckled.

He had a black cape and his black hair was greased back. He covered his face with white paint and added eyeliner. He made his lips blood red and had fake blood trickling down the side of his mouth. His nails were painted black like always and he had in his regular black gauges. All of his facial piercings were black studs and he had fake vampire teeth. He had a white ruffled shirt on under his cape and black skinny jeans with black boots and red contacts.

"Camari you zombie bride" He said back at me.

I had a ripped up, dirt stained wedding dress on that covered my feet. My white veil was ripped and dirt stained, resting behind my head. My hair looked messy and I had in contacts that made me look like I had zombie eyes. My eyes were rimmed with eyeliner and I had black eyeshadow. I had put white paint on every visible part of my body and I had painted on some cuts on my face and arms. I had on white heels and blood red lipstick.

"Mom! Jayy's here! We're going out!" I called, grabbing my bag for candy and enterlocking arms with him.

Yes we're sixteen and still trick or treat, what can we say? We love candy! We went to the first house and knocked on the door.

"Trick or treat!" We chimed together.

"Well would you look at that! A vampire and a zombie bride! Here you kids go!" The old lady at the door said, dropping a handful of candy into each of our bags.

"Thank you" We said and ran off. My bag was about halfway full when Jayy stole it and ran down the street.

"JAYY VON FUCKING MONROE! YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW YOU BITCH!" I screamed, running after him the best I could in heels. I eventually took off my heels and darted after him.

"NEVA!" He yelled, running faster.

"DAMNIT! HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU RUN IN YOUR BOOTS!" I yelled, pushing myself to go faster.

"PRACTICE MY DEAR GENIE" He yelled and cackled. "YOU'LL NEVER CAT-" He got interupted by me jumping on his back, sending both of us to the ground. "Ow, you bitch" He uttered out.

"Haha" I said and he flipped over so we were face to face and he was on top. He smiled evily at me and then crashed his lips to mine. It felt so natural so I kissed back. We broke for air and he smiled down at me while I blushed madly.

"Camari" He said, out of breath. 

"Yeah?" I asked, looking into his red eyes.

"Be mine?" He asked, hopefulness all over his face.

"Yes Jeremy" I smiled, using his real name and he smiled back. He kissed me again and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

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