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"Cmon sis, jump!" I hesitantly jumped into the pool, landing right into Mikey's arms.

"You scardy cat" Gerard joked.

"Shuddup" I said, holding onto Mikey. "Bro bro's being mean" I said like a little child. Mikey then tossed me up and sent me plummiting into the icy cold water."YOU TWO ARE MEAN!" I shouted, getting out of the pool and sitting on the edge.

I had my sunglasses on, drinking my lemonade and watching all the guys beat each other up in the pool when I was pushed into the pool. I came back up and saw Frank laughing.

"I'M SO GOING TO GET YOU FRANK!" I yelled, getting out of the pool and chasing him around while the others were cheering us on.

I jumped on him, sending us both into the pool. We reached the surface and Frank pulled me close to him, staring into my eyes. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. We were staring into each others eyes when I heard shouting.

"KISS HER! KISS HER! KISS HER! KISS HER!" The 4 guys on the side chanted. I stared at them and they got louder.

I turned back to Frank, only to have his lips crash to mine. I ended up kissing back and I heard everyone cheering. He tangled his hands in my hair and I did the same. We broke and I smiled at him. I hugged him, resting my head in between his neck and sholder.

"Awww" Everyone chimed and I flipped them off, causing them to laugh.

"Candi" I heard Frank say and I pulled back to look at him again. "Be my girlfriend?" He asked with a hopeful smile and I smiled back. 

I kissed him for about 5 seconds and then pulled away.

"What does that tell you?" I asked with a smirk. He kissed me back and then pulled away.

"I love you" He whispered in my ear.

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