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"Stella, can you read my paper and tell me what you think about it?" I asked Stella nervously as I held my printed paper in my hands. She looked at me gutted then turned around and walked away. I sighed. Last night I had told her and Jason that I would be moving out soon and let's just say she didn't take it very well. At first she sat there in silence, and then she got up and calmly told me she was upset about it, and then she finally started crying. I didn't realise how much it would have effected her. I had reassured her and told her I would visit all the time but she was still upset about it. Jason was just suspicious of the fact that I had chosen to live with Ashton out of anything. In my defence he asked me to live with him not the other way around. Plus, Ashton and I were good...Friends. Yes, it'll be fun we'll have movie nights and late night DnMs and eat popcorn and we'll be good room mates, it will be fun.

"Don't worry about her, once she sees you're not abandoning us she'll get over it," Chase said sadly, "You're not abandoning us right?" He asked. I shook my head and smiled.

"Its funny, you know," I stated, "When I first got here, my goal was my 18th birthday so I could finally leave all the foster shit, but now I'm here I don't see myself ever leaving you guys. I mean, I'm 19 and moving out and this time last year I wouldn't have thought about that," I told him, "I mean normal kids like you or Jordan probably can't wait to leave because you know it's always going to be here but when I wanted to leave I wanted to leave everything behind, but now I finally feel like one of those normal kids you know?" He nodded, "I might be leaving the house but I'll never leave my home,"

"So deep Gracie, you're definitely gonna be a great writer," He smiled, "So when's the big day?"

I wrinkled my nose, "You're making it sound like I'm getting married," I stated. He laughed, "Tomorrow the boys are coming over to help me pack and then I'm following Ashton home, I guess," I explained.

"So soon," He frowned.

"Yeah," I smiled sadly, "But you know, it's just another chapter in my life,"

"Yeah. It was good having you live with us, you know. I mean, when you first got here I would speak my mind constantly and I was a shit kid and you helped me and stuff, and it's just weird because you started out being a random stranger I got nervous around and now I'm here holding back tears because i treat you like my sister and I love you," He laughed through the tears building up in his eyes.

"Chase," I coo'd before wrapping my arms around his chest, considering he was almost a head taller then me now, "I'm so glad your mum took me in, I'm so glad I got to live in a family like yours," I smiled, "We're acting as if this is our last good bye," I laughed. 

"I wish it was," I heard someone scoff behind me. I turned around and Jordan was walking into the kitchen, a sports bra on with a pair of sneakers on her feet and a pair of black running pants. She had her phone in her hand as she opened the fridge and grabbed the strawberries and a bottle of water. 

"You sure you need to eat those right now? I mean, you just went for a run. You're gonna cramp up," Jason stated as he came into the same room in a suit, "Have you guys seen my keys?"

"I need to get my blood sugar up," Jordan deffended. Chase rolled his eyes. 

"Uh nope. Why? Where are you going?" I asked him. 

"I'm going for a meeting," He stated, "It's an important one, so if I dont find these keys I'll be late and the whole new job thing will be a waste of time," He sighed, lifting up the bowl of fruit. 

"New job?" I asked. 

He smiled, "Don't worry it's not too life changing. I was offered to take part in being involved with The Biggest Loser company. Apparently they've got a fitness program set up now in an actual building. They're paying good money so I'm not going to waste my luck," He grinned when he spotted the bunch of keys on the bench next to Jordan. He grabbed the strawberries and put them in the fridge, much to her process, before waving good bye and walking out. 

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