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"You're what?!" Luke asked. I could hear the padding of his feet on the pavement as he got closer to me, but I ignored him. I had made up my mind the moment I got off that plane, and that was to get Grace back. I don't care if she hates me for it when she finds out that I lied to her -Again, I don't care if she never remembers our past and I have to keep living by her side pretending to be someone she met when she was nineteen, not fifteen. I don't care as long as she knows my name an understands that I'm hopelessly, undeniably in love with her.

"Fucking hell Ashton answer me!" He growled. 

I kept walking, ignoring him. I wasn't going to let him change my mind. What right does he have to try and stop me? He tells me that I no right to complicate things for Grace, and yeah, every other probably wouldn't, but I need to do this. She told me to let go, but I couldn't. There's something stuck. Tied around my wrist, stopping me from letting go. 

"Ashton," He sighed frustratedly, "Just listen to me," He begged.

"What?" I snapped, turning around.

"Maybe you should be putting things together by now," He stated, a little too harshly, "This isn't just some relationship drama anymore, Ashton! She doesn't remember you," He stepped closer to me, saying his words carefully, "Maybe you're just not meant to be with her," He said slowly, as if he was talking to a mentally defficiant ten year old, "Maybe this is the earth's sign, telling you that it's never going to work out,"

"You don't understand!" I exclaimed, "You don't know what it's like to love someone so fucking much, that you'd do anything for them. That you'd sell your soul on the black market rather then see her go through any sort of pain. You don't understand the limits I'm willing to go to get her back, Luke. I've let her slip through my grip too many times before and I..." I didn't know what to continue with, honestly. But he must have understood because he didn't seem so mad anymore, "It's not just about her. It's about me, alright? I need her in my life, whether or not she does or doesn't anymore. I know she's gone, okay? I know all our memories have been swiped from her mind, but I'm willing to repeat them if it means having her back in my arms...I need her,"

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, "Fine," He muttered after a few moments. He let out a groan and did some sort of wall push up before he turned around again and stared at me in annoyance, "Go and try win her back, but don't come running back to me when you've ruined any chance of that ever happening, alright? I'm serious Ashton, I can't keep getting in the middle of this relationship. I'm done,"

It wasn't like I needed permission from him anyway, but the feeling of him not hating me after sticking to my decision made me feel slightly better about doing this. I knew he wasn't going to hold that statement for very long, either. As soon as Grace is comfortable around us all again, he'll be right back where he always manages to be with her. Next to her side, being the best friend she loved as much as normal people love their siblings. And he fucking loves that position.

"But Ashton?" He called. I looked over my shoulder, "You should probably know that you've just complicated everyone's lives by ten,"

I chuckled, smiling widely, "I know," 



"Grace, the guy over there is asking for you," Melanie whispered as she walked past me, only stopping for a second. I looked up and noticed a blonde curly haired boy leaning against the wall near the dance floor. He was attractive in his black skinny jeans, ripped Nirvana baseball tee and a black bandanna sitting on his head. He reminded me of one of those punk rock teenagers you see walking around the city that are usually in garage bands and are over the moon when they score gigs at places like this. 

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