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I sighed as I sat down on the lounge in the apartment that Michael and I had bought for now. It was quite big and only four minutes away from Luke's place, so it was quite good. Jackson had his own room, and Michael and I were able to get our privacy. There was also a swimming pool that can be used by all the people staying here, which wasn't used much considering the only other people living here were either really old couples or young couples like us. The place was pretty expensive, so there wasn't any people handling drugs or something unsafe. It was a nice environment. 

"What's wrong?" Michael asked, walking over and rubbing my shoulders. 

"Nothing," I mumbled, shrugging his hands off me. I was worried. I was worried because Ashton is getting his hopes so high with Grace, and she's oblvious to it all. We all were getting our hopes up. We wanted her to remember us, but there's just as much of a chance of her never remembering again as there is her remembing everything. I was upset because even though she wants to get to know me again, she'll never understand the way she did before. She witnessed my home life first hand, but now...Now she see's me as the girl who went on tour with a band with a bad past life, not as Lola, the best friend that was emotionally crapped on numerous times by life yet she still managed to make it out alive. I mean sure, thats a little big headed of me, but it's the truth. I knew Grace looked up to me. Everyone knew it. She was like my sister. We both had a bad childhood and we both managed to make it through. Grace wouldn't have been able to do it with out me or Ashton. 

"C'mon babe," Michael sighed. Now he was sitting next to me, snuggling his hair into my shoulder, "Talk to me or I won't have sex with you tonight," He grumbled. 

I smirked, "I can deal with that," I shrugged, going to stand up. He grabbed onto my hand midway though and pulled me into a bear hug. 

"No baby please," He squealed. I laughed, "What's wrong? Is it about Grace?" He asked. I nodded slowly, "What about her?"

"Everything," I mumbled, "Mike she...She can't remember,"

He nodded, looking down at his hands in sadness "Yeah,"

"I should have pushed her," I growled, a hot tear falling down my face, "I should have fucking forced her to move with us. Why didn't I force her to? It was better for everyone, fuck we all knew it! Wh-"

"Babe," He shook his head, pulling me into his chest. I started crying into his chest and I knew this must have been weird for him, because I never cry. They were angry tears. I was mad at myself, I was mad at Ashton, I was mad at One Direction, but I was mostly mad at fate. This girl, this poor fucking girl has gone through enough shit in her life, I'm surprised she's still standing on her own two feet. She doesn't deserve any of this. She never did. She never took family for granted, she never took friends for granted...She may have taken life for granted a few too many times but that was because everyone else was taking her for granted. I was pissed off with the fact that Jordan didn't tell her about the boys, but I understand where she was coming from. If Grace woke up to find out that she used to be best friends with this band but they left her for tour, it wouldn't have gone down well with the rest of her life story. The only problem with that though, is that when she finds out we've all been lying to her?

She'll break.


"Why are you here Grace?" Mrs Marton asked. She had asked me to stay back after class, something about needing to talk to me about the paper I wrote on what worries you the most? Of course I talked about my memory loss and my childhood. It was the only thing stopping me from being completely happy. I also talked about the sadness that was folding around me like a blanket and how I was confused about everything in my life at the moment. 

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