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I walked into the unfamiliar bar that Michael dragged us all into -because apparently staying home for two nights was too lame. Luke and Calum were okay with going in -I guess they were missing the alcohol side of tour -Even though Luke wasn't even legal. I wasn't exactly sure why he even bothered, but I guess it was because he could still pick up, sober or not. While they were completely okay with going along, I wasn't exactly in the mood. It wasn't that I didn't feel like getting shit-faced because believe me, I definitely wanted to. But it's just the fear of getting so wasted that I end up lying next to a naked girl. It was okay while we were on tour because let's face it, who doesn't want to be getting laid when there's hundreds of girls wanting to get in your pants every night? But now that we were in Australia I felt somewhat reconnected with Grace and I just don't think it'd be fair on her or anyone involved really. I mean, being in a different country doesn't exactly change things, but while we were over there I was definitely single, but now i'm home there's a chance Grace and I can mend things. How stupid does that sound?

"Ashton get this," Calum shoved me lightly on the shoulder. I turned around, ruffling my hair slightly as I tried to listen to what Calum was saying, "You know that girl I hooked up with in LA?" He asked.

"There was heaps mate," I smiled slightly

"Right. No I mean the blonde one," He tried again but then he sighed, "The one that has the stretcher? We were talking about her for lik-"

"Oh yeah yeah. Keep going" I interrupted. I couldn't actually remember which girl he was talking about. Throughout the 5 months we were there, about 10 blonde girls with stretchers made their way in and out of our house between the three of us. But I didn't want Calum to try and explain this girl to me all night. At least he remembers her. That's a plus. He didn't seem to pick up on my lie because he continued telling his more than likely irrelevant story. 

"Yeah she texted me last night and wanted to know if the rumours of us going back to Australia were true," He explained, "But get this right," He chuckled, scrolling through his phone. When he found what he wanted, he held it up to my face and showed me the nude the girl had sent. I looked away after a few seconds but come on, it's a naked chick with a banging body. Who wouldn't want to look at that? "The caption was 'praying they're not true'" He smirked. 

"Man!" Michael laughed, fist pumping Calum.

"God ain't gonna listen to you when you're sending that shit," Luke mumbled. I laughed and pulled open the bar door.

"Where are we gonna sit?" Calum asked. I looked around and listened to the constant chatter of the public around us. Most of the bar was full of old men and scraggy women and there was a shit band playing on the stage. I tried listening to their music, but it was terrible. Like, me and the boys back in 2012 bad. I went to go sit down but there was a loud laugh that caught my attention. One that was a lot louder than everything else, and sounded a lot younger than the rest of the women here. One that was a lot more familiar than any random loud laugh. One that I listened to every day for a solid 5 months. One that I fell in love with.

[Play "my happy ending" from Avril Lavigne now!]

I quickly looked up in the direction of where it was coming from. In front of the bar was a blonde girl with a petite body. A familiar petite body. In front of her -behind the bar- was a guy. He had black hair and a pretty good build. She laughed again and stepped forward, leaning against the bar to get to his height.

It was her. I know it was her. But she had blonde hair, and she looked healthier. Her body wasn't as skinny -She had curves, but I wasn't sure if that was because she wasn't wearing baggy band t-shirts anymore. She was wearing shorts. Shorts that were about 10 inches too short for my Grace. Her shirt -A uniform one, was white and showed a good amount of cleavage. She had regrowth but it somewhat looked nice, her dark brown hair -now short- mixing in through the blonde. But it was her.

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