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Luke's Point Of View

I followed her. 

I don't know why I did, or even when. All I remember is hearing Grace's explanation and then I was up and following her out of that stupid bloody door. She ran. Don't ask me why, there's nothing great around here, but I ran after her and I have absolutely no clue why. I could hear her crying as I quickened my pace and was only about a metre behind her. I could hear her swearing. 

"Jordan!" I shouted, tugging on her shoulder. She stopped running and turned to face me, her face red and stained with tears. 

"What?!" She panted, "Go back to your stupid Possy and talk shit about me!" She screamed, before turning and walking away. I stood still, and stared at the spot she was standing just moments go. 

"Why?" Was all I said. She stopped walking but her breathing was rough and I could tell she was shaking violently. I watched as she pulled on her hair, clearly contemplating what to say to me.

"Why?" She repeated, turning around harshly, "Why what Luke?"

"Why did you do it?" I asked again, this time more manly and loud. I wasn't here to get her back. I wasn't here to make sure she was okay, or if she still wanted to stay over tonight. I was here for answers and I wanted them now so I didn't have to do any of this again. I never want to see her face again after this. Never.

A few tears poured from her eyes, "Because I don't have anyone else," She hiccuped. I rolled my eyes, "I'm serious Luke. I've been struggling to make friends for years, and I've always wanted in on you and your stupid dumb band mates. For ages I've asked around for you, going to the same parties as you, trying to at least get you to remember my name. When that stupid bitch-"


She let out a frustrated sigh, "When Grace showed up, she automatically had you all wrapped around her grubby little fingers and she had just fucking moved here! Obviously threatening her didn't work, so I went the next step further," She looked down, "When you guys left it pissed me off so fucking much that you didn't ask me to go with you. Fuck you broke up with me! I had to spend 7 fucking months liking this little shit for so long, just because I knew for a fact Ashton would come back for her. When she lost her memory, I obviously loved it. She forgot you guys, you were all mine,"

"You're talking about us as if we're fucking toys, Jordan!"

"Shut up Luke!"

"It's true! The boys and I were so suspicious of you, especially Ashton. Grace had convinced them and me that you were cool. She was so eager to welcome you to the group, she fucking bought a cake! Do you remember that? Grace is a good person. More than you'll ever be,"

"Of course you take her side," She scoffed, "A little slut over your girlfriend,"

"My girlfriend?' I laughed, "No honey you're a fangirl in disguise," She glared at me, "She's my best friend. She has been since she moved here, you said it yourself. I love her more than I love you. I'll always have her back, no matter what," I stated before turning around and walking away. 

"Luke!" She screamed, "LUKE!"

"Do me a favour and get your car out of my drive way. The council is coming to clean it later!" I yelled, not bothering to stop walking. I heard her scream at me as I continued walking. I couldn't believe her. I couldn't believe she could be so shallow. All the nights we shared together, the calm ones where we just spoke all night about random things, I trully believed she was perfect. She had cared for Grace -Well at least I thought. We talked about her so much. We talked about everyone so much. 

But as I think about it now, it always ended up being about her. Whether is was sex, or if it was what she was doing the next day, it was always about her. She was so nosey as well -Always poking around for answers, what we were up to, what was happening with us all. Who did you hang around with last night? Was she hot? Funny? Oh you're standing me up for music? For your band? 

I groaned as I walked back up the stairs, pissed off and annoyed that I hadn't seen this sooner. When I walked through the door, Grace and Ashton were sitting on the couch. Ashton had his arm around her, and she seemed comfortable. Safe. Michael and Lola were standing at the kitchen, staring at me with relief. I don't know where Calum was. 

"You're back," Michael spoke up. I nodded, "You okay?" He asked. I nodded again. 

"Luke," Grace stood up and smiled slightly at me, "You came back,"

"Of course I did," I smiled back, "But I needed to stick up for my number 1 fan first," I smirked. Grace rolled her eyes but hugged me anyway, "We're done," I told her quietly. 

"Thank you," She replied, squeezing me tightly. 

"How are you going to cope?" Ashton asked, "Living with her, that is," He stated. Grace walked towards the island bench and slid herself ontop of it. 

"I have no idea. I don't even think I can," She sighed. 

"Maybe you could swap bedrooms with Chase? Or move into the one downstairs? Or-"

"I think I need to move out,"

There was silence in the room until Lola coughed awkwardly, "WHere are you going to stay? You hardly get shifts at the bar these days and not to mention your studies...I don't think it's a good idea," She sighed. Grace looked down as if she new she was right in a way.

"You can stay with me?" Ashton spoke up. Grace looked shocked, "I mean, I have a two bedroom apartment, and it's close to your University?"

I knew Ashton, and usually i'd think this was another one of this attempts at getting her back, but for some reason I didn't see it as that. He looked genuinely concerned for her -We all were- but this was a friend speaking, not an ex. Grace was fiddling with her fingers.

"You wouldn't mind?" She asked, "I mean with everything going on..."

He actually smiled, "It's fine. Talk to Stella and Jason about it and call me when you've up your mind yeah?" She nodded, "Can we watch a movie now? I'm bored," He groaned. Everyone migrated to my loungeroom, apart from Lola who stood next to me with a serious expression. 

"You know this is going to ruin one of them, if not both, if she moves in with him right?" She asked quietly. 

"Or it might help them," I whispered back before joining them in the loungeroom. 




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