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January 17th 2014

Luke's Point Of View

I stared longingly at the Spartis house and instantly remembered the first time I pulled up here. It was the night Grace needed medical attention and she asked me to take her to the hospital and instead of calling Ashton she called me because from what I had known at the time, she hated him with a passion. Of course I knew what was up now, but back then I was confused and terrified. It was scary seeing someone go through that first hand, and me being me, had no idea what to do. I have to admit, at first I was a little weirded out, but when we were sitting in this car, at 11pm and she was opening up to me, I understood why she did all the things she did. I understood why everyone felt the need to. Grace was scared and alone and she had no one to talk to other than listen to the voices in her head. She wanted to feel something, to make them go away, and the only way to do that was to break the surface of her skin.

I stepped out of my car, fixing up my raybans as I twirled my keys into the palm of my hands. I was kind of nervous because I haven't seen Jordan since we left, and she didn't sound exactly thrilled to hear from me yesterday. I needed to understand Grace again though and if that meant bringing up awkward moments in the past, then so be it. I wasn't prepared to throw away our friendship because I was too scared to say hi to an ex.

I knocked on the door twice, and the familiar blonde opened the door, smiling awkwardly at me, "Hi Luke," She said softly, "Come on in," I did as she said and followed her through to the lounge room. The same lounge room where friendships were made. The same lounge room that we all heard both good and bad news, that bloody lounge room was the be all and end all of our entire friendship, "What are you doing here?" She asked after a good 5 minutes. No one else seemed to be home because the house was silent other than our breathing. Maybe Grace was at University like Calum had told us yesterday, but Jordan wouldn't have invited me over at a time that she would be home.

"What happened to Grace?" I asked her, cutting to the chase. There was no point holding back on the questions, we all knew the elephant in the room. She was taken aback at my question though, as if she wasn't expecting that to come out of my mouth. Maybe she thought I was here about us, and maybe I should be here about that, but at the moment my best friend was more important and I couldn't let her go as easily as I may have if she wasn't the Grace I'd gotten to know and love.

"I don't know what you mean" She directed her eyes to the vase in the corner of the room, completely away from my eyes. I knew she wasn't telling the truth. Jordan was better at lying than Grace, but they were both horrible at it. At least, when it comes to serious things like this. I wanted to scream, and yell and cry all at once. I just wanted my best friend back.

"Don't bullshit me, Jordan I saw her yesterday and she didn't know who I was!" I exclaimed frustratedly.

"Okay," She hushed, "You can't tell Ashton though, it'll break him" She said quietly. I stayed silent, waiting for her to explain, and it took her a good minute and a half to continue her explanation, "She was in a car accident around six months ago," She mumbled. My entire body froze at the words. Car accident? What happened to her? Can this girl go through anymore emotional and physical pain? The news struck me with anger and sadness. Out of all the people in the world, Grace was the last on the list to deserve this. After having a messed up childhood, and to have difficulties as a teenager, there was no fucking way that Grace Jones deserved to be in a car accident, "She was in a coma for like two days and when she woke up she just...Didn't remember"

"Anything?" I asked, my voice cracking. 

She shook her head, "She new little things, like her name and she had flashes of memory, and eventually she got some that were longer than a few seconds, but she mainly only remembers her childhood, and her life before here," She explained, "She only briefly remembers Lola,"

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