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After waking up at Ashton's house, hungover, tired and in need of greasy food, I decided I might as well take today of as well. It was Friday and I guess I can just start fresh on Monday and try to catch up from there. I know it was a risk taking that much time off, but I seriously wasn't in the mood to go today. Ashton and I were both sitting at his kitchen bench, eating bacon on bread and enjoying it would be an understatement. It was like heaven in my mouth. Each chew, and each swallow was like getting a  kiss from Francisco Lachowski and more. 

"You still want to have that party?" Ashton asked, his voice all husky and croaky. I looked up, shocked at how turned on I was at his voice. What the hell is wrong with me? "We were drunk, but I still think it's a good idea," He chuckled. 

"Yeah," I shrugged, brushing off my hormones, "I'm pretty sure Stella and Jason are still at that hotel. I can call and just make sure it's okay?" I asked him. He nodded and we continued eating our food porn, "Hey Ashton," I spoke up suddenly, "Who's Gracie?" I asked. He stared at me, confused, "You called me that last night and I was just wondering why," I explained. 

"Oh," He nodded, "Back in high school, my friend Grace was always called Gracie. I don't have to call you that anymore if you don't like it," He responded quickly. I shook my head. 

"It's fine, I don't mind" I smiled, "Just really familiar," I told him. He nodded slowly and then we went back into silence, "What's wrong with Luke?" I spoke up again, "I mean...He doesn't like me does he?" I asked. Ashton looked up at me and the only thing I could make out was pity. There was so much pity there and I wasn't sure why. 

"He's a good guy," Ashton mumbled, "He just lost a friend recently and he isn't copying as well as he wants to be," He explained. I nodded. Luke was rude and nasty and a complete asshole to me, but I knew he wasn't a bad guy. Grieve hits  people in different ways. When I lost Alex, instead of mourning all day and night, I got on with my life the way Alex wanted me to. Maybe when Luke lost his friend, he lost his trust in a lot of people. 

After finishing our bacon sandwiches, I told Ashton I'd text him the details of the party and found my way home. I got out of my fancy new car, a small jump in my step as I bounced up the stairs and in through the doors. 

"Hey Jordan wheres Stell-" I stopped talking in my tracks as I walked in on Luke and Jordan in the lounge room, doing a little more than making out. Luke shirt was on the floor, and Jordan's legs were spread apart more than necessary, "Oh my god," I muttered, quickly pushing my palms infront of my eyes. I heard jordan squeal quietly and I could tell they were scampering around the room. 

"Grace!" Jordan laughed nervously, "I thought you were at Uni?" She asked. I opened my eyes and stared in between them both, confusion clearly written all over my face. What the hell did this even mean? Jordan wasn't one to just hook up with anyone and what the hell was it with this guy? He hates me but manages to be on friendly terms with my sister? It's weird and strange and adding to my confusion even more. 

"I didn't end up going," I mumbled, "Um...I spent the night over at Ashton's," I told her off-handedly, still staring at Luke with intensity. He seemed to be uncomfortable under my gaze. He was staring anywhere but my face, and there was an awkward smile sitting on his face, like in between guilt and nervousness, but at the same time worry, "Do you know where Stella is?' I asked her finally. 

"She's not coming home until Sunday. Something about a conference in Brisbane and Dad decided to go with her," She stated quickly. I knew both of them were begging for me to leave the room so that they could deal with Luke's raging boner and the images going through my mind were definitely not necessary. 

"Cool," I laughed awkwardly, "Well, party tonight! Invite everyone you could possibly know, it's gonna be huge!" I yelled as I ran out of the room and back through the front door. I didn't want to be in the house when that sort of sinful behaviour was happening. I thought about dropping by at the nearest church to drink some holy water, but laughed off my lame joke and decided to drive up to the cliff look out just past Bondi Beach. I needed some alone time to think and to really sort out my life decisions because come Monday and I have to go back to classes, I want to know that writing is really what I want to do and I want to know if it's worth it all.

I found my way to the highest point of the cliff and parked my car. I seemed to be the only one here which was a small shock, considering this is one of the most beautiful look outs in Sydney. You got a clear view of the beach and every person on the sand looked like tiny little dirt grains. The wind was always freezing up here, but it was one of the best feelings on my skin. Suddenly, as if the wind and the view and feeling of it all hitting me with relief, I fell to the ground and I could see Ashton with me. We were sitting on a car, the one that Ashton drives around and we were eating McDonalds. We were all cuddly and our clothes were messy. I was wearing one of his jumpers and he was wearing another one. My hair doesn't look brushed, and my make up was smudged slightly. We both looked happy, though. 

I sat up with a huge gasp as I thought about the memory. Was it even a memory? It couldn't have been, I didn't know Ashton before. I didn't know any of them, so why was I being all cuddly in that...Whatever it was! Was it a dream? Why is so much indicating that we knew each other? I sat down on the stool they have here and I thought about it over and over again. There's a possibility that we knew each other, there's a huge one considering his best friend and mine at the time were dating. I remember the day Ashton told me about the girl he loved, and that she moved on without him. I remember the day he called me Gracie. My eyes squinted as I tried thinking back to everything that could possible lead up to this moment, with the small idea that Ashton and I did infact know each other previously. 

Then it hit me. 

The day Mason and I were doing the deed for the first time, Jordan said she was talking to someone. She told Chase that I couldn't find out because it'll break me. She said he wasn't going to let me go. Was that Ashton or one of the other boys? Maybe they weren't even talking about me. I can't believe I forgot about that moment until now. It's impossible though. Why would Ashton pretend? Why wouldn't he just say that we knew each other? Why lie? And why didn't Jordan tell me, if we did? She wouldn't have lied, it's just not her. I'm looking too deep into this. Stop looking into this Grace, it's stupid. It's impossible, completely and utterly crazy man thinking. 

I need to get home.


Sry this was short It's just a filler but the next two following chapters r gonna make u wanna go to hospital and ask about cronic shitting disease becauSE YOU ARE GONNA SHIT YO PANTS SO MANY TIMES YOU'RE GONNA BE RINGIN UP SATAN ASKING HIM TO SAVE YO ASS. 


Okay but seriously sorry if this is written bad I know I promised a good chapter but trust the next one is better. U guys know I love to drag stuff out as much as possible so you can all cry for a lil bit longer hehehe. 

Anyway, ily all sah much. please vote and comment I wanna try and get on the top #10 in the fanfiction thing pls help me get there ily guys xxx

 Who likes the new book cover?!?!?! If you guys have any photos or anything involving the story like banners or possible book covers send them to me through my twitter @AshtonLrwin :) ily all 

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