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I woke up to the sound of screaming. It was that happy scream people have when they find out they've been given an animal or when they've won the lottery. I sat up, and Luke rolled over so that his face was in the pillows. I guess we both fell asleep last night. I pushed the blankets off me and tiptoed out of bed, Tonka following behind me. I walked down the stairs and stopped at the second last one as I noticed an unfamiliar couple in the living room.

"Grace!" Stella stated happily once she noticed me, "This is Clara and Heath!" She explained, "My sister and her..."

"Husband," Clara smiled happily. She was blonde, unlike Stella and she was taller than her as well. I could clearly see that they were sisters though because their eyes and face shape was exactly the same. Heath was bulk and tan, and his short hair was spiked up with gel. I never even knew Stella had siblings, let alone a sister. I pushed my fuzzy hair out of my face and smiled politely at the two.

"Mum whats going on?" Jordan mumbled as she walked down beside me. I stepped out of her way, and I could see the pain as I looked her up and down. Luke also came down after a moment, but when he noticed the family gathering he walked back upstairs after saying a quick hello.

"Whos that?" Clara asked suggestively.

"Luke," Jordan and I said at once. They must have picked up the intensity in the room because Stella called Chase down and we were all standing in the living room. Me, Heath and Jason sitting on the long couch, Stella and Clara on the recliners and Jordan staring at a wall while lying on the floor.

"Can you tell us what's happening now?" Jordan asked in a bored tone.

Stella and Jason shared a look before Stella nodded and began to talk, "Jason and I are renewing our vows,"

"What?" Jordan, Chase and I all said in unison. There was an awkward silence before Stella and Clara let out an ear piercing scream together.

"SURPRISE!" She yelled, laughing loudly before pulling me and Jordan both in for a hug. She explained to me that Jason and her had gotten married at a young age and couldn't afford a wedding so they had a small gathering at the beach with a few friends and family. She also explained that her dream was to have a huge wedding and with her getting a huge pay out with her job, and Jason getting a pay rise, they finally have enough money for the wedding they've always dreamed of. I never thought about their relationship, how long they've been together or even where they met. It saddened me that I never asked.

"Tell me how you met," I smiled. The room fell silent as Jason and Stella shared a silent conversation.

"Well," Jason started, "It was quite funny actually," He smirked. Stella rolled her eyes, "We're childhood friends,"

"Like literally?" I asked, shocked at the news.

Jason chuckled, "I remember when we were like...Five? Maybe six...I had these lollipop things they had back in the day and Stella came over and got really jealous. She grabbed it out of my mouth and stuck it in a pile of dog shit," He laughed.

"Oh my god," I laughed.

"In my deffense you didn't share!" Stella joked, "Oh and remember that time in year 6 when I got my first boyfriend? You, weak as can be, tried to stand up to this boy who was literally twice your size and ended up getting punched in the eye?"

Jason smirked and flexed his arm muscle, "I wonder how he'd react now," He stated confidently. Stella laughed, "I remember when I got my first serious girlfriend in year 10. You were so jealous you wouldn't talk to me and I ended up having to go over to your place and invite myself in,"

"Yeah and you wouldn't leave until I apologised!" She stated.

"That was when we had our first kiss," Jason explained. Stella nodded in agreement.

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