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Triple sike

Seokjin opens back up the door to his home, awaiting the disappointed look on his sister's face because he ran away again.

As expected, his sister is there. And so are his six best friends.

"You should've just called me and said he was out of medication! I have enough money!" Namjoon whines at Jisoo, who sighs as the man continues to rant. Not knowing that Seokjin is standing at the entrance. "Now he's lost, again. Like how I found him in front of my house and how all of us met eachother. What if he meets someone else? Who could be dangerous? For fucks sake I love him and you just let him run away again??"

"Namjoon." Seokjin speaks up, causing all seven of them to look over with shocked yet relieved expressions.

"Oh my gOsH!" Namjoon yells in English, standing up and rushing towards the pink haired male. Seokjin is trapped in a bone crushing hug.

"Sorry guys, I let my mind get the better of me." Seokjin apologizes as the rest of them come into a group hug around him.

If you're confused, let me explain.
After Seokjin decided to stay with his chosen family, his sister came back instead of him leaving them. She felt guilty, and went as far as to use a fake name and identity to return to her brother. This is about... a year after she came back? Well, yeah.

Seokjin visits her every week at his old house, and sometimes he forgets the two years of progress he had and relapses back to that very night and ends up running quite far from home. By sometimes, I mean like once a month. Just because he forgets his medication.

Right now he's on the couch, taking his medication, with a cup of water and a still slightly concerned Namjoon beside him. Seokjin is silent for a few seconds before he says something that the younger didn't expect.

"You still love me? It's been a year since I rejected you."

Namjoon nods sadly.

"I can't not love you."

The glow on Namjoon's caramel skin still looks the same as the night when Jin woke up two years ago and saw him for the first time. Yet somehow brighter.

"What's your name?" Seokjin asks the younger.

Namjoon smiles and shakes his head.

"It doesn't matter."

"If I'm going to be trusting some guy who took me into his house and who looks kinda sketchy, then yes, it does matter."

Namjoon snorts. "I look sketchy?"

Their eyes meet once again.

And as they look at eachother,
Their world is no longer Glitched.

the (real) end

BTS - G̴̼͑̒L̶͙͗̒̚I̷͙̭̋̍̉T̴̢̳͖̐͝C̷̺̱̏̋͠Ḥ̴͖͑̽E̶͇̰̊̒̃D̴̲̼̉̆͝ #WATTY'S2019Where stories live. Discover now