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Shallow waters and quickly running streams, my mind and my eyes creating with not any seams.


"Wake up."

"Babe. Wake up."


Taehyung jumps up, almost falling off his hand made hammock as he glares at Jungkook who was clapping happily.

"The fuck?" Taehyung mumbles, his overgrown red hair scruffy as he pulls it back with an elastic band on his wrist. "What did you wake me up for you piece of shit?"

"Look." Jungkook demands, pointing across the way to a frail looking boy who was sat against a dead oak tree, his black hair contrasting his drained skin. He had a stick in his hand and was drawing in the dirt before him. Taehyung notices how Jungkook was staring at the boy curiously, not with a murderous gaze but with an almost awestruck one.

"He looks weak, and broken." Taehyung remarks, watching as the lithe boy tears up the soft dirt with the stick in his sweater-pawed hand.

He looked completely engulfed in a seemingly oversized sweater, a scarf covering his neck up to his cheeks with his hood covering half of his head. He looks to be wearing pants that are too big for him, for they are draping over his legs like limp pieces of fabric.

"Don't even think about killing him, Gguk." Taehyung scoffs, watching the gaze of the younger who is still staring at the boy.

"No, definitely not."

"He's not cute?"

"No, he looks cute, I'm just a bit picky with my kills."

"What about him goes against you're valors?"

"Well, I only like to kill things with flesh on their bones, and that aren't nearly dead."

Taehyung crooks his head at the younger, looking at he points his gloved finger at the boy again.

Taehyung looks at the ravenette, who had now rolled back his sweater sleeve. He covers his mouth with his hand, pupils getting smaller as he stares at the boy's arm which is almost as thin as the stick he's using to rip up the ground.

"How is that even possible?" Taehyung whispers, now hiding behind the younger as they stalk the obliviously frail boy, as he continues to sketch something into the ground angrily.

"I don't know but I'm gonna talk to him."

"Wait... what?"

Taehyung watches as Jungkook stands up, commencing to march in an over exaggerated manner toward the black-haired culprit. Before he can move any further, Taehyung grabs his wrist and pulls him back.

"Hey! Let me go!" Jungkook growls, pulling his wrist away from the older's grasp. "I'm just gonna talk to him."

"And you promise you won't kill him?"

"Yes! Now let me go!"

Taehyung sighs, watching as the blonde quickly turns away and walks to the other, immediately kneeling down in front of the boy.
Jungkook looks at the horribly distraught male, watching as he carves a drawing of a broken heart in the dirt. He's more thin up close, looking like he hadn't eaten in months.

"Hey." Jungkook remarks, watching as the boy's brown eyes meet his own. He can tell the fragile boy is scared, as he jumps slightly startled at the sight of someone before him.

"Hello?" The boy mutters questioningly, pulling down his scarf to speak normally. His cheeks were nearly nonexistent, bones prominent across his jawline. "Who are you?"

Jungkook flashes a boyish grin, taking off his bloody glove and reach forward. "The name's Jeon Jeongguk, but you can call me Jungkook. With a hard k!"

Jungkook watches as the boy's lips form a smile, the only pudge left in his face now visible on his cheeks. His eyes crinkle in joyous crescent shapes, showing a welcoming aura. "Jimin. Park Jimin. Basic name."

Jimin grabs the other's hand, the warmth causing him shock as the blonde instead intertwines their fingers. "You have small hands. Bony too. It's cute!"

Jimin looks down slightly, feeling Jungkook's hands warm up his brittle one. "Th-thanks... I guess."

"Hey, you look pretty lonely." Jungkook remarks, watching as Jimin's eyes meet his own again, slight sadness held in them. "Wanna come over to our hammock?"

"S-sure." Jimin responds, trying to get up on his feet. He stands, but is extremely wobbly.

Jungkook grabs his shoulders, stabilizing the weak boy. He leans down to his height, looking into his eyes with concern. "Careful there buddy."

Jungkook decides to suddenly pick the boy up, earning a high-pitched shriek as his arms carry Jimin's body. He holds him tightly, as to not drop him, carrying the boy bridal style.

"What are you doing?!" Jimin screeches, wrapping his arms around the blonde's neck as he hold on for dear life.

"Carrying you, because you obviously can't walk." Jungkook responds, making his way to the partially hidden hammock that Taehyung is staring at the situation from. Jungkook reaches the hammock, placing Jimin inside of it carefully.

"Wow, tiny." Taehyung coos, looking at the short boy in almost adoration as he sits up.

"Who... what?" Jimin concurs, looking at Jungkook and then at Taehyung who is still staring at him in admiration. "Why are you two... who?"

"I'm Kim Taehyung, A.K.A. Taetae, A.K.A. Taevon Jenkins, A.K.A. V, A.K.A. Hansung." Taehyung rants, grabbing Jimin's bony hand in his own. "You can just call me Taehyung."

Jimin stares at the redhead in awe, somewhat struck by a sudden wave of speech loss. "You... you're adorable!"

"Wow Tae you found a fellow mood swinger." Jungkook remarks, the older ignoring the blond as a box smile spreads across his face.

"Thank you! You are as well! What's your name? How old are you?" Taehyung asks curiously, now holding both the small boy's hands in his own like a baby.

"My name's Jimin. I'm... 23."

"What!?" Jungkook screeches, throwing his head back in defeat like a child having a tantrum. "I'm still the youngest?! Tae, this is a problem. We need to adopt."

Taehyung slaps Jungkook across the head violently, causing Jimin to jump slightly as the redhead grabs the youngest by his jacket collar. He glares at the blonde, causing the boy to gulp in intimidation. "Can you shut up, please."

Jungkook nods, falling to the ground as Taehyung drops him.

"Alright, where were we, little Jimin?"

BTS - G̴̼͑̒L̶͙͗̒̚I̷͙̭̋̍̉T̴̢̳͖̐͝C̷̺̱̏̋͠Ḥ̴͖͑̽E̶͇̰̊̒̃D̴̲̼̉̆͝ #WATTY'S2019Where stories live. Discover now