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I remember the day I first saw you.
Coffee bean eyes and caramel skin, smooth mocha hair and gentle marshmallow lips.


Quite a few years ago

The gentle sound of piano music echoes through the silent school hallways, most students having already gone home. The lights are almost all off, yet Jimin still manages to find his way by following the music.

His now more frail than before legs carry him towards an almost empty storage room. He was waiting earlier, to see Yoongi in the flower garden, golden hair and shining eyes.

But he never came.

So Jimin led himself with the help of the soft, passionate piano notes, hoping to find the older somewhere.

In the storage room, it's dark. Yet the slight light of the sunset peaks through the window, making a boy visible. In the centre is a large piano, a beautiful melody flowing from its keys.

The boy playing the piano, is Yoongi.

The music stops.


"Oh.. h-hyung.. I was just..."

Under Yoongi's sharp gaze, the ravenette feels nervous yet tempted. The older's aura somehow tells him to shut up. The sunflower haired boy beckons Jimin forward with a finger flick.

Turning around on the piano stool, Yoongi looks at Jimin in the warm sunset light. Rays floating through the window onto the younger's caramel toned skin.

"No need to explain, just come closer."

Those words. Jimin never thought the bold speech escaping the older's rose lips would be the cause of his rosy cheeks, or the everlasting race of his heartbeats battling against each other for the throne of his next decision.

' Come closer. '

Jimin is surely much closer.

The feeling of rebellion to his inner doubt causes a rush of adrenaline through his veins, as his eyes stay locked with Yoongi's. Sitting close on his lap, only sound their quiet breaths. Foreheads meet. Minds go wild.

That was the memorable day.

Of their first lip to lip rendezvous.


Despite being in the middle of a lip to lip rendezvous, the two lovers, Yoongi and Jimin, are interrupting by a loud knocking on their bedroom door.

"For fucks sake I never get ass in this house."

"OPEN THE DOOR I FOUND SOMETHING!" Taehyung's voice blows through the wooden door as Yoongi and Jimin scramble to find garments of clothing scattered around from their bedroom warfare (that didn't even get to happen).

Yoongi opens the door after putting on his pink hoodie and not bothering with pants, eye half open and hair messy, looking absolutely pissed but also like an adorable kitten with an annoyed pout on his face.

What he didn't expect, is Taehyung completely covered by a long keyboard, cords hanging from it and stickers on certain keys. "Look what I found Yoongi hyung! I was in the basement with Kookie and we were gonna play twister but found this!"

The cheerful, carefree tone lets the older know that Taehyung's alter was probably as fragile as a thin porcelain vase, so he limits his annoyed mood. "Oh.. my keyboard. Thanks Tae."

Jimin snorts in the back as Yoongi attempts to pick up the large keyboard, certainly big compared to him. Taehyung closes the door and he lilac haired man almost stumbles backwards. "Do you need help there hon?" The ravenette teases, earning a scoff from the bitter kitten.

"No, I'm a man. Don't you see me as a man Jiminie?"  Yoongi tries to convince himself it isn't that heavy, as he lifts the instrument onto the empty surface of his fairly short dresser.

"No man would struggle to lift a keyboard." Jimin teases once again, earning a glare from his pissy boyfriend.

Yoongi plugs in the heavy instrument, before standing and looking at the keys. It's been a long time since he played any instrument, but this was different. Yoongi got this keyboard to record songs years ago, yet when that route went to shambles he never picked it up again.

"You ok Yoon?"

Yoongi turns around to face his boyfriend, who is still shirtless and laying flat on the bed.


"So are you going to play?"

Yoongi looks back at the keyboard, standing in front of him, the millions of dreams and memories holding it together like hot glue on cardboard. "I don't know."

Two strong arms wrap around his waist from behind. "If I stay here, will you do it?" Jimin asks, resting his head cutely on the older's shoulder.

More memories from way long ago resurface as the ravenette hugs him softly. Bittersweet reminders of the older days, when Yoongi was younger and less broken inside. But the arms wrapped clumsily around his waist feel like they're holding him together now.

The purple haired male's fingers graze the keys, positioning, falling down with the lightest push. Fingertips soon dance across the instrument, a beautiful melody arising from the depths within. The song slows, quickens, blends into a story of sensible emotions. It's like Yoongi is telling the story of his life through each note that flows out of his long forgotten keyboard.

The song slows, the song ends. And soon enough he's brought back into a loving and prideful kiss, whilst being pushed onto his soft bed.

Worries drowning away. As in reality, there is no need to have anxiety over what will happen. Because fate is controlling that for you. And there's nothing you can do about that.



Sorry for the late update. Had finals, then family reunions, and no time to myself. I gotta reLaX but I have awesome news;

Guess who's going on T in these next couple weeks
That's right
Ya boi


BTS - G̴̼͑̒L̶͙͗̒̚I̷͙̭̋̍̉T̴̢̳͖̐͝C̷̺̱̏̋͠Ḥ̴͖͑̽E̶͇̰̊̒̃D̴̲̼̉̆͝ #WATTY'S2019Where stories live. Discover now