"I don't choose the prefects, so I can't say I trust all of them, but I don't think they can cause too much trouble while most are still waking up," said Emma, "Anyway, enjoy breakfast."

She walked away and towards a first year girl that was simply standing in the middle of the Great Hall.

"Hey, do you know who is the head boy?" asked Lola, turning to Mei.

Mei shrugged, "I think it's some Hufflepuff."

"It's almost time to go to class," said Xia as she looked at her watch, "Where's Olivia Mae and Aditi?"

"I couldn't wake them up," said Mei.

"You couldn't wake them up?" repeated Xia, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," said Mei, she gave Xia a look, "What are you suggesting?"

Xia opened her mouth, but Lola slapped her arm before she could say anything.

"Don't say it," said Lola, "You'll just get into an argument with your sister again."

"But Lola!" whined Xia, "What if it's true?"

"What if it isn't?" shot back Lola, "You can't go make accusations without proof, Xia."

Mei stared at the two with a raised eyebrow, "Actually, Lola, I'm very interested in what my sister has to say."

Lola covered Xia's mouth and looked over at Odette for help.

"Uh — Mei!" said Odette, "Can you show me to my classes?"

Mei gave one last look towards Xia, who remained silent, before she nodded and stood up.

"I'll see you later, Xia, Lola," said Odette before she followed Mei.

Odette had hoped she could fill herself up, so she could skip lunch and go to the library. However, that wouldn't work as she got distracted and didn't eat that much of food so she'd get through until dinner.

"What class do you have first again?" asked Mei.

With a sigh, Odette answered, "Herbology."

While Xia showed her around, Odette made sure to keep track of everything. The last thing she wanted was to get lost, even as Xia told her that it happened to everyone at least once and there was no reason for her to get embarrassed. It wasn't that Odette didn't want to get lost because she'd get embarrassed, she just didn't want to get lost because it would be an inconvenience, but she didn't say that. Instead, she just nodded.

Odette couldn't even sneak off into the library for a few days. The professors were giving out a huge workload to the seventh year as it was the years they were supposed to take the N.E.W.T.s. Odette really didn't want to take them, but Mei said her mind might change at the end of the year since she would be a lot more settled in.

Odette doubted her mind would change, but perhaps there was some truth in Mei's words.

Eventually, the opportunity to run away from her friends and to the library came at the end of the week. Mei had wanted Odette to join her and her friends study session outside. Odette agreed mainly because she hated doing homework on her own and even if she declined, Xia would drag her off somewhere else. So, since it was a lose-lose situation for Odette, Odette decided to be productive with her time.

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