We barely know each other

Start from the beginning

Wait... Is he flirting with me?

Me: Oh shut up 🤐.

As I was texting Brayden. I could hear someone calling my name from behind me but I decided to ignore it since I thought it was just my imagination. Well... that's until that same 'someone' grabbed my phone and started reading my text.

"Who's BrayBray?" Henry asked dangling my phone on top of his head. Curse my shortness.

"Henry just give me my phone back!" I yelled at him jumping up and down.

"Answer my question and I'll do as you demand princess." He bent down dramatically but still not low enough for me to grab my phone. Curse his tallness.

"Okay fine! 'BrayBray's' this really cool dude I met a couple days ago and he asked me out."

"Did you just say he asked you out?" Henry said grabbing on to my phone a little tighter.

"Uhh... Yeah. As friends of course and that's it." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"What's his full name?"

"Brayden something I don't know." I shrugged.

"So... you don't even know this dudes full name and your already going out with him?" He questioned me seriously.

"What's your beef?"

"My 'beef' is that your going on a date with some guy you barely know." He yelled at me.

"Well excuse me! First of all it's not even a date I'm just gonna hangout with him. Second you're living with a person you barely know but you don't see me judging now do you?" I yelled out frustrated and offended.

"Oh come on I know stuff about you." he scoffed crossing his arms.

"Oh really? What's my favourite colour?"

"It's yellow it was always yellow."

"Yeah when we were 7. Now it's purple."

"Okay okay. Ask me another question." He says throwing me my phone back.

"Okay... what's my favourite movie of all time?"

"Uhh... Barbies Magical Kingdom?"

I took a glance at him and he had his hand on the back of his neck scratching it confused.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

I sighed and explained. "We seriously don't know anything about each other anymore." I dangled my head disappointed.

"Well you know some deep secrets about me."

"Yeah. And that's it. I don't know you- you. You know what I mean?"

"Not really..."

"It's okay Hen, you don't have to."

After those words it was a complete silence. And not a silence you would be proud of. More of an awkward/uncomfortable silence. I looked back at Henry and realized his face was full of disappointment just like mine a couple seconds ago.

"Hey but look at the bright side! We get to work together, Kid Danger." I say trying to lighten up the mood.

"Yeah... Yeah right! And we were suppose to be there 10 minute ago! We gotta scram." He quickly grabbed his leather jacket and grabbed my wrist pulling me out of the chair and technically dragged me the whole trip to Junk N' Stuff.


"God I forgot how much I hate this elevator!" I yelled out frustrated as I was dusting myself off.

"I said it once and I'll say it again. You'll get use to it. It'll just take some time." Henry smirked at me.

"Yeah right. Hey were's Ray?"

"I don't know. Probably the back."

"Maybe." I paused. "But wow this place is so cool. All these lights, weapons, computers and stuff."

"Yeah. We are one lucky group." He but his bottom lip still smirking. I guess I didn't lie when I told Brayden that my 'friend' was 'hot'. Hey! He already caught me saying that about him so it's not that weird... right?

"Hey umm... Char?"


"When are you going to 'hangout' with this Brayden guy?" Henry smiled nervously.

"Saturday why?"

"What? A friend can't be interested in another's friend dating life?" He scoffed.

"I never said that. And when you say it like that it just sounds creepy so stop."

"Okay. Sorry sorry."



😏 Do you think Henry needs peanut butter with all that Jelly? What do you think will happen next? Anyways...

1132 words

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