Jeon Jungkook

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I quickly went to open the door as the doorbell rang. As already expected, it was my sister with her little daughter. She had to go on a business trip for one day and asked if Jungkook and I could take care of her daughter Areum.

And of course, we agreed to help her out, both of us absolutely loved Areum. Until now we never took care of her on our own but both of us were excited to see how it would turn out. We've been in a relationship long enough to be a good team in our everyday lives.

"Thank you so much for taking care of her. She should sleep a lot, hopefully, but if not, just tell her a story, she loves to cuddle and listen to others talk apparently. And-", my sister started talking but I interrupted her.

"I know Areum, it's not the first time for me to see her, neither it is for Jungkook. We'll take good care of her, don't worry, alright?"
"I'm sorry, it's just... I never left her with someone else for that long. I really trust you two."

"And we won't disappoint you, I promise", I smiled and just at that moment, Jungkook appeared behind me, greeting my sister and Areum.
"Oh, before I forget it, here's a bag with food and diapers and some other stuff you might need. Thank you so much", he said and handed me the bag, while Jungkook took Areum on his arm.

"Don't worry. Now go, or do you want to be late for your appointment?", I laughed and shook my head.
"I'll come back as fast as I can. See you then", she said and quickly headed to her car. I laughed and closed the front door, turning towards Jungkook.

"Today we have our own child", he joked and went to the living room with Areum. I laughed but had to think about his words. Today was the first time we actually had something like 'our own child'. It was just my niece, but we still had to take care of her like it was our child.

And I was more than excited to see how Jungkook would be as a father. To be honest, we thought about having our own family a while ago, but it was just too stressful with Jungkook's work at the moment. That's why we quickly threw that thought out of the window again. But today we were going to see how having our own family would be like.

Areum was about two years old, so she was still a baby, but was able to walk by herself and she was able to talk, sometimes more and sometimes less understandable. Jungkook has always been head over heels with her and she loved him as well.

"What do you want to do Monkey?", Jungkook asked and sat down on the sofa with her on his lap. She giggled at the sound of his nickname for her and shook her head.
"No monkey", she giggled and looked at her.
"Yes, you are. You are my little monkey", he grinned and softly booped her nose.

"Stowy!", she then said and looked at him with big eyes.
"You want me to tell you a story?", Jungkook asked and she nodded.
"Alright, then listen to this. Once upon a time..."

I smiled and watched him tell her a story. He was great at improvising and the story turned out to be pretty funny, which Areum seemed to like a lot. He cuddled onto his stomach and listened to him closely to get every word he was saying. Even I was fascinated by his story after some time.

"And they lived happily ever after", he ended the story after a while and Areum started clapping. "Imo, did you hear that? I love the stowy! Thank you Imobu", Areum chuckled and looked sweetly at Jungkook. We tried to explain her several times that we were not married but she kept on calling him Imobu, so we just gave it up.

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