Chapter 74

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Fred ran inside the borrow with George and looked around "Ave! Where's Ave!" Fred shouted at the top of his lungs Molly hurried down the stairs glaring at Fred.

" would you be quiet spencer is sleeping upstairs" she hissed, Molly saw worried looks on her son's eyes and sat him down slowly.

"She's gone... she disappeared when we were trying to get out" Molly sat down next to George and rub his back as Harry Ron and Hermione Amelia and Ginny walked in.

Fred stood up and looked at them Hoping for some good news " i'm sorry we can't find her anywhere all we found is this" Harry Pulled I want out of his pocket. Fred slowly walked over to her and took the wand.

"Ave..." he whispered looking down at the floor and close his eyes holding the wand to his chest. A cry formed from upstairs Molly started walking upstairs.

"No, mum I'll go" Fred muttered putting ave's  wand in his pocket and walking upstairs to his and Avery's room he took a deep breath and walked to the bathroom.


Everything hurt despite her pregnancy. It was pitch black. every opened her eyes and sat up as much as she could "Hello?!" She screamed pulling on whatever was around her wrists. Avery managed to pull herself up.  She was chained to something on the wall.

The door opened and light shone through the room Avery closed her eyes for a moment and when she opened them someone was standing in front of her when she moved in front of the light she saw that it was  a unknown man. " Who are you?" She shouted.

He crouched down smirked. " you don't know me do you?" He said Unlocking the chains from Ave's wrist pulling her up by her shirt. When he let go Avery Took a chance and ran towards the door but the man was too quick for her he grabbed her back of her top again and pulled her back glaring at her.

"do you know who I am?" He repeated shouting pulling harder the sad girl cried in pain and shook her head, wishing she was dreaming.

"I'm Barry crouch Jr. Have you heard that name before?" She nodded and closed her eyes. He put her in a seat which was hovering over a glass tub of water. "You'll need this." He gave her a snorkel. She breathed loudly.

"What's going to happen to me" she said crying. He put his finger over her lip and walked over to a machine "tell me, do-don't do this" she began to get lowered into the tub she quickly put the snorkel on. "Avery control your body, you don't want to hurt the baby." She took her hands and hit on the glass screaming "how did you know that." He walked down the stairs to Avery and said "you will die."

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