Chapter 19

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A few days passed and they sorted their problem with Harry and Ron, Avery wasn't sure what they were saying up to the point that Harry and Ron are now friends again.

It was October first and Avery was starting to feel the coldness until Fred cuddled her for a few minutes. Avery woke up late again the next morning. Not caring as much that time until she heard a knock at the dormitory doors, when she opened the door and noticed that Abigail was standing there saying "get dressed, were half an hour late" Avery ran to her uniform and got dressed.

Avery ran back down to Abigail to notice that it wasn't Abigail it was Tom. As soon as she noticed it was Tom she ran backwards until she hit into the wall, she saw him coming closer and closer with a creepy smile, and she closed her eyes hoping it was just all a dream.

She felt him breathing onto her cheek, she could feel his body almost touching hers until she felt like she was falling Down, for miles. She began to scream and cry and then she opened her eyes to notice that she was tied to the bed, having a light reflecting onto her face.

She began to pant loudly. She saw Tom waking over to her until he began to stroke her cheek, she then breathed and said "your a villain, you know that, I hoped that I could move from my family and have a good life, the I wouldn't have met you"

"Your wrong when you say that, I remember you long before that."

"What do you mean"

"Please close your eyes or I will kill you"

"Is it that easy" she said sarcastically.

"Yes it is actually" Tom put his hand on her shoulder.

Avery closed her eyes, because she didn't want to die. It took her a few seconds to notice that they were evaporating. Tom let go of her shoulder and said, "you can open your eyes now"

She opened her eyes to what looked like the Malfoy's manner, but this time she was with Tom, she thought back to when she was playing games with Abigail.

Tom walked towards the slightly broken house because Voldemort tried to destroy it. Tom said "let's help your family bring it back up" they walked towards the front door, when they got to the door they knocked three times.

"Come in please" mrs malfoy said. They walked in to see the stair case broken, Avery took out her wand for her protection because she still didn't trust them. Tom pulled out his wand and then looked at Avery shaking his head.

"We're here to help" Avery looked at Tom and then lowered her wand. She faced the blonde haired women who said "thank you, Tom are you okay Avery" Avery has a confused look on her face. "I'm confused" Narcissa walks over to her and says "so am I, your not alone" Avery takes out her wand and points it at the stairs, she then begins to fix them. "Where's father" Avery said whilst she began to get closer, to the stairs. "He's at the ministry, that's where he works" avery nods her head and looks at Tom who was helping her with fixing the stairs. "Do you have a choice to be loyal to Abigail's father" Narcissa walks over to Avery and they both look directly at each other "no, he said... sorry I don't think I can tell you" "please, I promise I won't tell anyone else" "no dear, you should be getting back to Hogwarts before they wonder where you are" "okay, please can you tell me why" "no dear, go before dumbledore begins to worry"

Tom evaporates and takes her back to Hogwarts, he left before he could say anything. She ran from the Ravenclaw common room to the great hall where she saw Fred, George, Abigail, Ron, Harry, And hermione. She ran towards them to see them have angry faces. Harry walks over to Avery and says "everyone knows"

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