Chapter 42

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Rhys Matthews. My parents were death eaters. They took me to a muggle village when I was seven. I wanted to be exactly like them. I watched as they killed almost the whole village; some got away. My Father told me to run when Aurors showed up but I wanted to fight. I watched  people die." Avery listened.

She started to feel sorry for him but that quickly vanished when his face turned to anger and his fists clenched.

He grabbed Avery's arm and pulled her off the chair. Ave attempted to push him away but he was too strong for her.

"How old are you, really?" She asked as Rhys dragged her into a bedroom. The double bed was huge and the windows were boarded up. "I'm twenty-one." Rhys said as he pushed Ave onto the bed.

He walked towards her and began unbuttoning his shirt.

Avery was terrified: She couldn't move, it was like she had froze in place. She fearfully watched Rhys throwing his shirt and trousers across the room. He slowly pushed Ave down so she was laying on the bed and unbuttoned her shirt.

"Rhys, let me go and I won't tell anyone." He began laughing and Ave felt tears threaten to spill.

She sat up but Rhys roughly pushed her back down again. He slowly pulled her skirt off and climbed on top of her. Ave began breathing heavily as tears ran down her cheeks and her breathing became short and unsteady.

"Avery, relax. You will be begging for more after I'm done."

She let out a cry as she felt pain everywhere. This was her worst fear, it had come true...


Avery then screamed until she tried to relax a bit.

"Tom, I was visited by mike, I can't remember when but it was... about 2 or 3 days ago,but he talked to me, he said that he is your father"

Rhys slows down and begins to think, "is that true"

"Would it matter if it was, anyways you don't need to speak"

"I also wanted to say that Eva, you know your friend, well she's my... sister, she wants to help you, she wants to help you not be hurt by me, me and mike sent her away to another orphanage after my mum died, mike well he said he wanted to kill her together but then when the first person came to the orphanage we noticed she was disobeying us because she had a friend to help her, so we didn't want her to be around us anymore, so she is in an orphanage where we don't need to see her"

"That's horrible, mike use to seem so nice though, he even let me have my own room, he could have made me be with you"

"No actually, we gathered you would be way to smart to see through that"

"Yeah maybe" Rhys went faster and Avery began to feel her life failing away. "Tom, stop...stop"

"I said my name is Rhys, so call me Rhys"

Avery sighs and Rhys goes faster, she then screams. "You can scream as loud as you like, but we're miles away from where anyone can hear us"


Meanwhile back at Hogwarts

"What do you mean, she's gone?!" Fred shouted as she stood in front of Dumbledore, worry and fear spread across the room. The Headmaster sighed as he looked at the twins through his half moon specticles. "Mr Weasley, do you know who the last person to see her would be?" Well Madam Pomfrey told us to leave the infirmary room before it got dark so we left and that was the last time I remember. Fred stormed out the office and went to the Gryffindor Common Room. George ran after him, worried about what his brother might do.  "Fred?" George watched as Fred leaned his hands against the wall and started crying. George put his hand on his twins shoulder and quickly jumped backwards when Fred swung his hand and punched the wall. A defeaning crunch made George flinch. George fell onto his knees and Fred gasped at what he saw; There was blood on the wall.   George gently pulled Fred up off the floor and took him to the hospital wing. Fred could hear Madam Pomfrey and George speaking to him but he wasn't listening.   Finally, Fred looked at George and said, "She didn't run away. She was kidnapped."

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