Chapter 60

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It was now the next morning, Avery had already tried to escape out the room once before she heard Bellatrix and Voldemort approach the abandoned room. She laid in bed and said "good morning." Voldemort monstrously looked at her before saying "you don't say good morning to me you house elf." Avery stood up and screamed until Bellatrix put a handcuff around her wrist before saying "Your my house elf now until you behave or else" avery sighed angrily.

"Or what?"

"We will kill your dad."

"You wouldn't."

"Yeh I know well I could, But Voldemort will do it or your mum or maybe even Rhys, there's loads of people."

"Where is he? What have you done to him?"

"Well we've kept him here somewhere in the hospital, I've been told to tell you the truth, and if you think I'm lying then I'll kill you myself"

"What room?"

"I actually don't know, and if I did then voldemort would probably tell me just to not tell you that because it would be obvious for you to just go to him. By the way sweetheart, your dad doesn't know your here and if you go looking for him then you'll die on your way to him because we've booby trapped the hospital."

"You did what? Have you done anything to him"

"Well I haven't, but I do know Lucy has."

"She changed as soon as she became a death eater...why?"

"She's been a death eater all her life, didn't she tell you"

"No... no she didn't."

"Unexpected circumstances"

"Why are you... you being so kind to me"

Bellatrix held avery's hair tightly and said "I'm going to bring you to Voldemort, you need to help him with killing someone"

"Wait what... no I cant... who?"

She was pushed down to the floor, she sat like a dog. "Avery, your like a daughter to me..." Voldemort said

"...what, no you would never be my father" Avery said disgustingly.

"Don't talk to me like that... it's hard not to kill people"

"Just stop... this is worse than Rhys torturing me, everyday I wake up fucking scared, that I would die. I hate it and it's because of you, Rhys, my mum, Bellatrix and everyone else."

"What are you thinking about now... Fred, your dad, Hogwarts... tell me Ave"

She began to cry. Voldemort walked over and said "I need you to kill... Eva"

"No... fuck no,your a psychopath..."

"I'm not actually... I have feelings."

"No, no you don't.., who, who do you feel"


"No you don't, you want her dead"

"Yes out of love..."

"You have no love for anyone"

"You butch... I do."

"No you don't... you only care about yourself."

"you really don't know me... do you."

"of course I do, you..."

"you have no idea."


he took out his wand and said "don't move...or else" Avery ran towards the door where she saw her dad. her dads arms reaching out, all of a sudden she saw dooby, who teleported Luther and Avery, Bellatrix threw her knife towards the teleportation portal, it went through to Avery who felt the knife coming towards her dad. Avery pushed her dad out the way and she got stabbed in the arm trying to save her dad. she fell onto the grass and said "it, it h-hurts, c-can you get a ban-bandage." her dad came running over worried. her arm was so flimsy, her dad took out his wand, Avery held onto the wand and said "don't, I don't want anyone's help, can I have a hug." he nodded and held her in his arms. "we need to get you to Hogwarts" dobby ran over and said "miss Montgomery, I hope your all okay" Avery began to cry dobby hugged her and said "I can take you both back to Hogwarts" dobby teleported to Hogwarts infirmary where they saw Dumbledore talking to madam Promfrey. Dumbledore turned his head at the same as madam Pomfrey looking at Avery. he ran over speechless. she looked at Dumbledore who said "Avery, you'll be okay madam Pomfrey will fix your arm again"

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