Chapter 16

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It was almost the holidays and Avery was packing her bags, she took her books and her scarf and placed it into her trunk. A few seconds passed and Avery heard a noise from the dormitories. She quickly stood up and ran towards the noise.

When she soon got to where the noise came from she noticed that the whole dormitory was wrecked. Everyone walked in as they saw Avery standing there. Then a boy named Michell said "now your going to get in trouble"

Avery sighed and said "it wasn't me, trust me, I came down here to see it like this." Michell walked towards her and said "don't lie, who else would it be" Michell turned around to leave but then Avery grabbed hold of his jumper and pulled him towards her, "you keep your mouth shut, if you ever assume something then just keep it to yourself, now let me handle this, you got that" he turns around and says "okay, but I still believe it was you" Avery clenched her fist and Michell said "feisty" she raised her arm and was about to swing it until, a girl named eve said "don't, it will just get you in trouble" Avery puts her arm down and says to Michell "if I hear you talk about this to anyone then you are in for it"

Eve walks over to Avery and says "well done for standing up to him" Avery hugs eve and says "your a loyal friend,  Thank you " Avery walks back up to her bed and grabs her wand and trunk.

She ran towards the great hall with her trunk and wand to see Fred, George, and her other friends. Fred stood up and said "hello Avery, how are you feeling" Avery sighed and said "scared, I'm scared" Fred sighed with relief and said "I'd say your a fool if you said you weren't scared"

They all walked towards the platform to be seen by Hagrid, Avery ran towards Hagrid and said "I'm still grateful that you saved my life, thank you" she ran back towards Fred and George to say "thank you for letting me come home with you two, I couldn't have asked for better friends"

"It's not us you should be thanking, it's our mum, it took her about 5 seconds to realise that we had friends" they both laughed. They walked of the train to see Fred and George's mum.

"Mum, this is Abigail and Avery." Avery smiled and said "it's very nice to meet you, mrs Weasley thank you for letting us stay" "What houses dears" Abigail looked at Fred and George. They nodded. "Er...s-slitherin, but I understand if you don't want me in your house" "don't be silly, if Fred and George are friends with you, then so am I, but may I ask where your parents are" there faces fell. "Their dead" "I'm so sorry, how about you dear, what house are you in" "I'm in r-Ravenclaw" "I didn't personally know any Ravenclaws, but I'll hopefully soon understand how it is to be one" "okay mrs Weasley" "where are your parents dear." They all began to feel sad. "Please don't be annoyed when I say who my parents are, I'm nothing like them, there horrible." "It's fine dear, like I said if Fred and George are your friend then I'm your friend too" "my parents are the Malfoy's" "she began to walk towards Avery to give her a hug"


"Is it okay if you share rooms with Fred and George for now until we find rooms for you"  "Yes, that's fine, We might find it better this way" Avery said.

They walked towards a blue small car, for them to start a new life.

Avery's love life (completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora