Chapter 69

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Avery continued to have the nightmares despite Snapes help. Avery thought about the time turner, wondering how it worked, she was soon interrupted by Eva's continuing of arguments about the dementors.

"Eva you need to calm, your going to be safe, you don't know what happened then do you." She said as she came out of bed and start to dress.

"Safe, safe this isn't safe Avery, there are more coming"

"No there not actually, Sirius black is a good person and has left, the dementors are leaving" she said turning her head to Eva.

"Really, really you mean that I won't die"

"Well I never said you won't die, but yes you won't die from the dementors"

Eva fainted.


A few hours passed

"Abi, are you okay" Avery said as she walked over to Abigails bed in the infirmary.

"Yeah I'm good." She said smiling

"I'm happy for you and your baby, are you going to tell everybody"

"Yeah I'm just waiting to see George and then we will"

"I'll meet you in there.., bye!" She walked to the great hall.

A few minutes passed

"Hey, hey look there coming in" Avery said to Eva.

Everyone looked at Abigail smiling. Abigail sat down and smiled at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore stood up "Another year has passed. Before you start eating, I would like to invite Abigail Smith and George Weasley up with their newborn baby."

Abi and George smiled as they walked up to Dumbledore."Well, yesterday at around 9:15, I gave birth to..." There was silence in the room.

"A baby girl!" The Hall burst into applause, including Draco and a couple of other Slytherins. George rocked the baby in his arms."We've decided to name her Spencer Rose Weasley." Abi smiled as she looked at Dumbledore. he beamed at her.

Avery's love life (completed)Where stories live. Discover now