Chapter 13

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Utter silence, she hadn't felt like this since the first time she met Tom. She slowly drank some of the water and fell back into bed. She then said that she didn't feel sleepy, she tried to force a sleep, but it didn't work.

She bounded out of her bed still hearing utter silence and then uncomfortably walked towards the exit of the infirmary. She suddenly said Her legs began to shake, and she fell to the ground. She felt spikes, excruciating pain in her legs, the pain began to increase, she then tried to stay on her feet. She described it as if  there was a rope being tied around her legs, and it not stopping. She then feel to the ground, feeling tortured.

"Help, somebody help" she said crying. Her eye sight began to blur, and her face began to sweat. She then saw a dark figure near the exit doors, she couldn't hold her eyes open any longer, she then feel asleep, on the floor.

She felt a slight tap, on her shoulder. She began to open her eyes noticing that all her friends were around her. She stretched and said "who was that person, what happened, tell me"

"Avery there was no one, but you did sleep talk" Fred said

"I sleep talk" she said

"Yes, do you want to know what happened" George said

"Yes of course!" She said

"You were on the bed, that's when me and free came in"

"Go on"

"And you kind of had white eyes, completely white, me and George wanted to help, but then madam pomfrey said move out the way."

"Oh, have you ever noticed that I get white eyes"

"No, I've never seen you with white covered eyes"

"Go on, what happened next"

"Well after madam pomfrey said that you are having a dream she left. We wanted to ask more questions but she left before we could even begin talking"

"Oh my"

"So then you began to sleep talk, and Fred tried to put you back into bed, after that Dumbledore and all our friends came in crowding you"

"Do you want me to tell my part" Avery said.

"No, I don't like hearing the sad things that happen with you and Abigail, it makes me overwhelmed, and scared.


The next day, Avery and Abi returned too there dormitories, and Avery was feeling weaker and more frightened, she was too afraid that Voldemort would come back and capture her, dumbledore was on vacation so she couldn't go to him for help. So she considered going to professor flitwick.

However professor flitwick was busy doing Christmas decorations, but he did say that she could help him decorate.  She accepted the offer so the next day Avery woke up, at 4am feeling no difference in pain and went down too the great hall too help professor flitwick.

When she finished doing the decorations with professor flitwick she felt more alive than she did before and went too the Ravenclaw dormitories too collect all her equipment to start revising for her exams.

When she collected all the equipment she needed she strolled to the library too begin revising she felt isolated because of the silence there was in the castle grounds. When she got too the library in less than 5 minutes she checked the time, the time was 6:55 am.

There was utter silence in the library she suddenly said that it felt like someone was watching her. So she looked around until...


She heard a SCREAM coming from outside the library. So she gulped and began waking, she looked around the library and noticed that there was ghost looking at her as they red there books. The ghost slowly stood up and Avery began too feel scared. She began too blush and sweat. She ran out the library with all her equipment and saw a dead student. She called out for help, until she saw professor snape, he the. Said aloud "what have you done miss Malfoy" Avery sighed and replied with "you don't understand sir, I didn't do this, please don't punish me for something I didn't do"

Snape walked Avery too professor dumbledore. She felt anxiety and nerve whilst she walked towards dumbledores office until, she heard professor say "Avery, do you know what happened outside the library"

"Professor I heard a scream whilst I was in the library so I went too check it out, and then I saw him head master On the floor" she said knowingly "can you say who you saw laying on the floor"

"I saw Abigails father" she said scared and frightened. "Okay thank you Avery" he said anxiously. Avery walked out the office and slowly walked down the stairs until she saw a ghost of Voldemort. She screamed and began too run up the stairs too Dumbledores office until he said "crucio" she fell too the ground before she could get too his office. She then saw snape walking down the stairs smiling. She felt the pain within her bones.


She woke up, panting fast worried that that actually happened. She began too walk out the library only seeing 2 students. She looked at the time and it said 8:30am. She then said in her head I dreamed for some time.

She then walked towards the great hall too have breakfast. She see Abigail staring at her smiling. She sat down next too her friend that was in Ravenclaw and said "how did you sleep" trying too keep her mind off what happened. "Ye I slept well, how did you sleep" "ye good" "I can tell when my friends are telling a lie. Come on tell me the truth" she said whispering. "I don't want too talk about it" "I can tell it was a nightmare" "okay, can we talk about something else"

"Ye sure, sorry that I made you feel that way" she said sadly. "It's fine, I'm just spoilt" "no your not, please don't say that" she then gave her a nice friendly hug and said "let's have breakfast" "I don't Personally like cereal, but I can have sausage, bacon and hash browns and egg" "okay you have that, I'm not stopping you"

When Avery finished her breakfast she asked her friend "do you want too visit Hagrid, he saved my life once" "wow ye if you want" so they slowly walked and talked too Hagrid until Avery saw a vision of Voldemort in a black suit, she felt pain on her scar. Avery's  friend Riley said "what is it Avery, are you okay" Riley helped Avery up onto her feet and then Avery said "did you see that" meaningfully "no sorry, I didn't" anxiously

They then heard Hagrid coming towards them and they both looked to  see him. "Are you all right Avery, I could see that you were in pain" he said hugging her. "Yes thank you Hagrid" she said crying. As they walked too the hut, Hagrid said "what exactly happened, I need to know so that we can all help" he said apologising. "Only tell Dumbledore" "Yes only dumbledore" he said "I felt like the light was disappearing away from my head, like life was vanishing. And then I felt the same pain when Voldemort used the..." she began too cry "calm down, just breath" Hagrid said "okay and then he... the man who hurt me, well you know who I mean, he appeared in a dark black suit that was scary and snake like, just standing there, I then fell it felt like I was falling down a dark endless hole, and then he disappeared I could still feel like I was falling until you Riley, help me up. Thank you" she said scared.

Hagrid Hughes her, and said "it'll be alright, we can help"


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