Chapter 62

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"Avery you can go now... you seem to have had a symptom." Madam Pomfrey said as she walked up to Fred, George, Luther and Avery.

"That's a symptom?" She said worried

"Yes I know it sounds bad but right now you just need to keep yourself safe" she said as she began to walk away.

Avery went to her dads room which was in a spare cupboard and talked about her mum. "Why does mum treat us the way she does?"

"I'd wish I'd know." Her dad said as he kissed her for bed. "You should go to bed."

"Okay father" avery said concerned

Avery walked back to her dormitory saying "night"  concerned why her dad didn't speak much. when Fred and George went to there dormitory. She walked on in the dark, suspicious, cold hallway of Hogwarts and heard teachers walking she began to run until suddenly snape said "I hear someone." She ran into the cupboard where she then heard "look in there Draco"

Draco opened the door and said "no one is here" Avery looked at Draco and sighed quietly rolling her eyes. A few seconds passed and Avery had heard nothing but the air.


After Avery got away from the cupboard and was in her dorm shaking slightly, ready to fall to a deep sleep. She heard voices come from down stairs she looked at all her friends who were dead sleep and slowly walked over to the door and  opened it to see nothing, she turned back round feeling tense. As she turned around she found herself falling onto the ground. All she saw was darkness.

"Avery, Avery are you okay" a familiar voice said. Avery rubbed her eyes to see a stranger.

"Who are you?" She said as she saw a shadow in the mist.

She looked around and found herself in the malfoy manners cupboard.

"Lucius is that you?" She looked closer until the person wasn't there anymore she began to look around.

"Avery" Narcissa said as she put her wand against Avery neck.

"What are you doing?" Avery said as she felt herself almost being strangled.

"Be quiet, I need you to listen to me."

"No, you never cared about me"


Avery began to scream.

"W-Why, y-yo-you bi-bitch"

"What did you say"

"Your a b-Bitch"

"Your spoilt"

"Crucio" Avery said as she got her wand out.

The evil bitch fainted. Avery stood up when she was able to move again and said "I hate you."

She untied the rope that was around her wrist and her ankles using a knife.

"Voldemort" She said as she looked at the door.

"That's not nice, avery well is it."

"Leave me alone" she said as she got her wand beside her trousers.

"You don't think you will be able to attack me." He began to laugh.

"No, but I can try"

"Okay go ahead try."

"Expulso" she said

"Protego" He said as he began to corner Avery.

"It won't work" Voldemort said.

She suddenly heard a bang from the wall. Turning her head she saw Fred, George and her dad.

Fred took her hand and pulled her into his arms.

"I have to owe you, all of you." She said crying.

"Don't talk, just run."

"Avada Kedavara" Voldemort said shouting.

They suddenly evaporated before he could touch them.


"Dad, Fred... George I don't know how I can owe you" she said as they landed at Hogwarts quidditch field.

"I know how you can owe me" fred said before kissing her.

Avery laughed and said "it's dark, we should be getting to bed."

"Yeah I agree" Luther said as he began to walk away.

Avery's love life (completed)Where stories live. Discover now