Chapter 17

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Avery ran in with Fred and George to hear them shout "five days, five days until we start our third year. And guess what" "What" Avery and Abi said. "Harry Harry Potter will be starting. "What" Avery said. She began to think what would happen this year, will she get to actually meet Harry Potter.

She ran down towards the kitchen, to see mrs Weasley talking to Ginny. "Morning ave" ginny said. "Dears, we have scrambled egg for breakfast, is that okay" Ginny and Avery then replied saying "yes, I love scrambled egg" "can you call for the boys" "boys it's dinner, come on" Ginny shouted.


Whilst they were all eating breakfast, herald the house owl came flying in with a letter. He hit into the glass. "Percy can you get that please" mrs Weasley said.

He stood up, and walked over to the window, opened it and took the letter out of his beak. He walked back over to the table saying "it's our acceptance letter" they passed out all the letters to read them.

A few hours passed and Avery saw everyone accept Ginny, Avery, mr and mrs Weasley arguing about who would meet Harry Potter first.

Avery ran over to say "your acting like spoilt kids, doesn't matter who meets Harry Potter first, nobody will know until it actually happens"


"Let's go to diagonal alley" mrs Weasley said as she took ginny's arm. When They got to dragon alley Avery said "wow, I forgot how magical it was here, it's because it's been so long"

After they got all this equipment, they all went back to the burrow, to be excited but also anxious because the next day was there third year at Hogwarts.


The next day arrived and Avery got excited. She even got into her uniform before she got to platform 9 3/4. They all ran in through the wall to see that they had only had ten minutes. Enough time to tell Harry Potter how to run through the wall.

When Fred, George, Abigail, Avery and Ron all got onto the train, they waved goodbye.


"Ronald Weasley, Gryffindor" the Gryffindor table clapped. "Hermione granger, Gryffindor" they all clapped. "Harry Potter" everyone sat at the edge of there seats, "Harry Potter, Gryffindor" they all clapped.

After they had the feast and they all went to their dormitories, Avery said to Eva "does it feel weird now, that Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts" "Yes, your not alone, he seems too popular" "Yes I agree, he might just feel scared to be here"

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