Chapter 67

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Harry, Avery and Hermione were stood behind trees as they watched hermione, Harry and Ron running out of Hagrid's hut. They hid behind the pumpkin patch as they watched the Minister, executioner, Hagrid and Dumbledore were talking. Hermione pulled back a twig.

"is that really what my hair looks like from the back?" The twig snapped and she quickly hid behind the tree again. The other hermione looked around and  then followed Ron up the hill. The present Avery, Harry and Hermione snuck up to Buckbeak. Hermione kept an eye on Hagrid's hut while Harry pulled on the chain, connected to the Hippogriff, trying to get him to move. Unfortunately, he didn't budge.

Hermione slowly walked over to the dead ferrets that were hanging by their tails. She took them off and held one in front of Buckbeak. "Come on, Buckbeak. Come and get this nice, dead ferret." The hippogriff suddenly shot up and took the ferret out of Hermione's hands. She took another one and walked backwards as Harry held onto the chain.

Buckbeak followed Hermione into the forest. Hermione threw another ferret up for Buckbeak and he ate it, quickly. "I saw the beast just now. Not a moment ago." Fudge said as they looked around. Dumbledore looked up at the sky. "Search the skies if you must, Minister but in the meantime, I would love a strong cup of tea or a small glass of Whiskey." Dumbledore followed Hagrid back into his hut while Fudge and the executioner raised his axe and sliced a pumpkin in half. Avery, Harry and Hermione ran through the forest and when they knew that they wouldn't be seen, they stopped and Harry let go of the chain. "We have to save Sirius." Hermione said, jumping up a steep hill. "How?" Harry asked, going after her. There was a moment of silence before Hermione answered him.

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